Sunday 1 April 2012

A pious man who constantly looked for
knowledge and used to give all his time .One
day he left home due to his extreme hunger
since he had found nothing to eat at home
and so he ended up heading towards one of
the gardens on the roadside.This garden was
full of apple trees and one of which had a few
of its branches hanging outside the fence on
the roadside.
His inner self started whispering to him to eat
an apple to remove his hunger and that no
one would see him.Afterall the apple garden
wouldn't be affected by the absence of only
one apple.He plucked an apple and sat down
to eat it until his hunger disappeared.
But when he went back home,his
consciousness(al nafs) started aching him
and he started to ask himself how he could
do such a thing (this is always the case of a
momen,a believer i.e he always judges and
punishes his soul for the wrongdoings he
does).Sitting down,he started asking himself
how he could eat an apple which is of
another Muslim's wealth and possession and
yet he never asked his permission before
plucking it.
Neither had he asked the owner for his
forgiveness.Getting up the next morning,he
headed outdoor in search of this garden's
owner until he found him.This young man
then told him(the owner):
"Uncle,yesterday extreme hunger got great
hold of me and I ate an apple from your
garden without you knowing and today I
have come to ask for your permission for
having taken it."
The owner replied:
"By Allah I will not forgive you In fact I am
angry from you until the Day of Judgement
where i will complain to Allah about you."
A pious man then started crying and pleading
to him to forgive him and that he was ready
to do anything for him on condition that he
forgives him and makes him clean of sins
again through this forgiveness.
"Uncle,I am ready to work as a graden worker
in this garden of yours without a salary the
whole of my life or any other thing you wish
me to carry out for you on condition that you
forgive me."
At this moment, the garden owner stopped to
think for a while and then said:
"Son,I am ready to forgive you now but on
one condition...."
A pious man got soo happy and his face once
again got filled with joy and he replied :
" Give me any condition you wish ,uncle."
The owner:
"My only condition is that you marry my
A pious man was shocked from this
condition,got stunned and couldn't
understand this condition.
The owner continued:
"But son... you must know that my daughter is
blind,deaf and can not talk.She doesn't walk
either and is always sitted.For a long time
now, I have been searching for a husband for
her whom i can trust to take care of her and
accept her as she is with all her features
which I mentioned to you.I will forgive you
only if you accept to marry her."
A pious man was once again shocked with
this second disaster.He then started thinking
how he would be able to live with such a
burden especially that he was still young and
on his first steps in his career life.How could
she take care of him and look after his house
when she had such defects?
He then started telling himself:
" Have patience regarding her and at least get
saved from the Hereafter's punishment which
this apple would cause you."
He then looked towards the owner and said:
"Uncle, I have accepted your daughter and I
ask Allah to reward me well for my intention
and that He rewards me with something
better than what He inflicted me with."
The owner replies:
"Well then son....your date is next Thursday at
my place for the Walimah(celebration)of your
marriage and I will be resposible(take care) of
her Mahr(dowry)."
When Thursday came ,A pious man came
walking with heavy steps,full of sorrow,with a
broken heart unlike any other groom on his
wedding day.When he knocked on the door,
her dad opened the door and let him in.After
they had sat and talked a bit,the bride's dad
told A pious man:
"Please feel free to enter the room where
your bride is sitted..and may Allah place His
baraka(blessings) on you both and around
you both.May He bring onto both of you all
goodness and mercy .."
He then took him by his hand and led him to
the room where his daughter sat
waiting .When he opened the door and
looked inside,the lad found seated a girl
whose face was whiter than the moon and
whose hair hang loosely on her shoulders like
silk.She then got up and walked towards him
with her shoulders stretched outwards and
told him:
"Assalamu Alaikum my husband."
Standing in his place,A pious man staring at
her as if he was in front of a hooreya(i.e one
of the beautiful ladies of Paradise who have
never lived on Earth before)from the
hooreyats of Jannah who had instead come
to earth.
He couldn't believe his eyes and just didn't
know what had happened or why her dad
had said such bad things about her.She at
once understood what was going through
his mind and at once went nearer to him,held
his hand and kissed it saying:
"I am blind from looking towards forbidden
(haram) things and I am deaf from listening
to forbidden talk and I am unable to talk
about forbidden things.
My feet too do not walk towards haram
I am the only child of my dad and for a couple
of years now ,my dad has been searching for
a good pious husband for me.So when you
came to him asking his permission for an
apple and weeping for its sake,he told me:
'Whoever fears from eating an apple for
which he hasn't asked permission for
acquiring it,then he will sure look after my
daughter and fear Allah in treating her
badly' congratulations to me for having
you as a husband and congratulations to my
dad for having you as his son-in-law."
♥ Moral ♥ Every Good Act For ALLAH, Gives You
a Reward.
And Give Us a Poius Life Partner

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