Friday 6 April 2012

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HIJAB : An Act of Faith
I had always seen Hijab as a private matter between myself and Allah.
I chose to wear Hijab because I felt my Iman (faith) had to be translated into action and if Allah asks me to cover, then I should.
If I could not act out my faith then what was the point of saying I had any faith?
But, unfortunately, those around me did not see my wearing Hijab as a personal act of worship.
Rather, they saw it as a personal attack on them. I wore Hijab and that automatically meant I disapproved of everything they did.
I found the hostility difficult to understand. Just because my head was covered, people were unable to relate to me.
I had a newfound freedom and a greater sense of confidence in myself as a Muslim but most others saw me as a throwback.


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