Friday 6 April 2012

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Allaah says (interpretation of the
“There comes forth from their [bees’]
bellies, a drink of varying colour
wherein is healing for men” [al-Nahl
Bukhari :: Book 7 Book of Medicine ::
Volume 71 :: Hadith 584
Narrated Ibn 'Abbas(RA):
(The Prophet(PBUH) said), "Healing is
in three things: A gulp of honey,
cupping, and branding with fire
(cauterizing)." But I forbid my
followers to use (cauterization)
branding with fire."
Bukhari :: Book 7 Book of Medicine ::
Volume 71 :: Hadith 588
Narrated Abu Said Al-Khudri(RA):
A man came to the Prophet(PBUH)
and said, "My brother has some
abdominal trouble." The Prophet
(PBUH) said to him "Let him drink
honey." The man came for the second
time and the Prophet(PBUH) said to
him, 'Let him drink honey." He came
for the third time and the Prophet
(PBUH) said, "Let him drink honey." He
returned again and said, "I have done
that ' The Prophet(PBUH) then said,
"Allah has said the truth, but your
brother's abdomen has told a lie. Let
him drink honey." So he made him
drink honey and he was cured.
Benefits of Honey:
Honey contains great benefits, for it
cleanses impurities from the veins
and stomach etc, whether it is eaten
or applied to the skin. It is good for
the elderly, the phlegmatic and those
whose humours are cold and wet. It is
nourishing, aids digestion, energizes,
makes unpleasant medicine palatable,
is good for the liver and chest, is a
diuretic and helps to ease coughs
caused by phlegm. If it is drunk warm
mixed with rosewater it is beneficial
for one who has been bitten by a
scorpion or who has consumed
opium. If it is drunk on its own mixed
with water, it is good for the one who
has been bitten by a rabid dog or
eaten poisonous mushrooms. If fresh
meat is placed in honey, it will stay
fresh for three months, as will
cucumbers, pumpkins and eggplants.
Many fruits can be kept in it for six
months. It will also preserve a dead
body, and it is known as the
trustworthy preserver. If the body of
one who is afflicted with lice is
painted with honey, it will kill the lice
and their eggs. It makes the hair long,
beautiful and smooth. If used on the
eyes like kohl it clears the vision. If the
teeth are brushed with it, it whitens
the teeth and makes them bright, and
keeps the gums healthy. It opens the
veins and induces menstruation. If
taken on an empty stomach it takes
away phlegm and cleanses the
stomach, clearing away waste matter
and restoring the correct
temperature. It does likewise to the
liver, kidneys and urethra.
The Prophet (peace and blessings of
Allaah be upon him) used to drink
honey mixed with water on an empty
stomach, and this is the secret of
maintaining good health that no one
can understand except one who is
intelligent and blessed.
Source/ Reference
--------------- --------------- --------------- --------------- -
Honey - Prophet’s guidance regarding
the usuage of it
by Ibn al-Qayyim
Taken from Zaad al-Ma’aad, 4/224,
225, 4/33, 34.


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