Sunday 1 April 2012

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"The Cow"
(Revealed at Medina, Verses 286)
In the name of Allah, The Merciful, The All-
And believe in that I have sent down
confirming that which is with you, and be
not the first unbeliever of it, nor sell My signs
for a little price, and fear you Me.(41)
And do not confound the truth with
falsehood, and do not conceal the truth
And establish the Prayer and pay the Due-
alms and bow with those who bow.(43)
Do you bid people to virtue and forget
yourselves, while you recite the Book? Do
you not understand?(44)
And seek help through patience and the
Prayer; and it is indeed hard except to the
who reckon that they shall meet their Lord,
and that to Him they are returning.(46)
O Children of Israel, remember My blessing
with which I blessed you, and that I exalted
you above all people.(47)
And fear a Day when a soul shall not avail
another soul in the least, nor shall any
intercession be accepted from it, nor any
compensation be taken from it, nor shall
they be helped.(48)
And (remember) when We delivered you
from Pharaoh's folk who afflicted you with
evil punishment, slaughtering your sons and
letting your women live; and in that was a
big trial from your Lord.(49)
And (remember) when We divided the sea
for you, then saved you and drowned
Pharaoh's folk, while you beheld.(50)
And (remember) when We appointed with
Moses forty nights, then you took the Calf
(for a god) after him, and you were wrong-
Yet We pardoned you after that, that you
may be thankful.(52)
And (remember) when We gave Moses the
Book and the Criterion that you may be
And (remember) when Moses said to his
people, `O my people, you have done wrong
against yourselves by your taking the Calf
(for a god); now turn to your Creator, and
kill your people; that is better for you in the
sight of your Creator; then He turned to you;
surely He is the All-returning, the Merciful.
And (remember) when you said, `O Moses,
we will not believe thee until we see God
openly;' then the thunderbolt struck you
while you beheld.(55)
Then We raised you up after your death that
you may give thanks.(56)
And We caused the clouds to overshadow
you, and sent down upon you manna and
quails: `eat of the good things that We have
provided you.' And they did no wrong upon
Us, but upon themselves they wronged.(57)
And (remember) when We said, `enter this
town and eat therefrom wherever you will
easefully, and enter the gate prostrating,
and say, `forgive us', We will forgive you
your mistakes, and increase for the good-
But the wrong-doers substituted a saying
other than that which was said to them, so
We sent down upon the wrong-doers a
scourge from the heaven for their
And (remember) when Moses sought water
for his people, We said, `strike the rock with
thy staff; and there gushed forth from it
twelve springs; each tribe learnt its drinking
place: `eat and drink of God's provision, and
do not go about in the land causing
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