Saturday 31 March 2012

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"The Cow"
(Revealed at Medina, Verses 286)
In the name of Allah, The Merciful, The All-
O mankind, serve your Lord who created
you and those that were before you, that
you may become godfearing;(21)
who made the earth a couch for you and
heaven an edifice, and sent down from
heaven water, wherewith He brought forth
fruits for your provision; so do not set up
compeers to God while you know. (22)
And if you are in doubt concerning that We
have sent down on Our Servant, then
produce a Sura (chapter) like it, and call your
witnesses, apart from God, if you are
But if you do not, and you will not, then fear
the Fire whose fuel is men and stones; it is
prepared for the unbelievers.(24)
And give thou good news to those who
believe and do righteous deeds, that for
them shall be gardens underneath which
rivers flow; whenever they are provided
with any fruit therefrom, they shall say, `this
is what we were provided before', and they
will be given in semblance; and there, for
them shall be pure spouses, and therein
they shall dwell forever.(25)
God is not ashamed to give a similitude even
of a gnat or anything above it. Then, as for
the Believers, they know that it is the truth
from their Lord; but as for the unbelievers,
they say, `what does God desire by this
similitude?' Thereby He sends astray many
and thereby He guides many; but thereby He
sends none astray except the transgressors.
those who break the covenant of God after
its binding, and cut what God has
commanded should be joined, and cause
disorder in the land; those are the losers.
How do you disbelieve in God, seeing that
you were dead and He gave you life, then He
shall make you to die, then He shall give you
life, then unto Him you shall be returned.
It is He who created for you all that is in the
earth, then turned to the heaven and levelled
them seven heavens; and He has knowledge
of everything.(29)
And when thy Lord said to the angels, `I am
appointing a viceroy in the earth', they said,
`wilt Thou appoint therein one who will
cause disorder there and shed blood, while
we celebrate Thy praise and sanctify Thee?'
He said, `I know what you know not?'(30)
And He taught Adam all the names, then
presented them to the angels and said, `tell
Me the names of these, if you are
They said, `glory be to Thee, we have no
knowledge except what Thou hast taught
us; Thou art the Knowing, the Wise.'(32)
He said, `O Adam, tell them their names.'
Then, when he had told them their names,
He said, `did I not say to you, I know the
unseen of the heavens and the earth, and I
know what you reveal and what you were
And when We said to the angels, `prostrate
yourselves to Adam', they prostrated
themselves, except Iblis; he refused and
showed arrogance and was among the
And We said, `O Adam, dwell thou and thy
wife in the garden, and eat thereof easefully
where you will, but do not go near this tree,
for then you will be among the wrong-
Then the Devil caused them to slip therefrom
and brought them out of the state they
were in; and We said , `get you down as
enemy to one another; and for you in the
earth shall be an abode and goods for a
Then Adam received certain Words from his
Lord, so He turned towards him; surely He is
the All-returning, the Merciful. (37)
We said, `get you down from here all
together; yet there shall come to you
guidance from Me, then whosoever follows
My guidance, no fear shall be on them, nor
shall they grieve.(38)
But those who disbelieve and give lies to
Our signs, those shall be the people of the
Fire; they shall dwell therein forever.(39)
O Children of Israel, remember My blessing
with which I blessed you, and fulfil My
covenant and I shall fulfil your covenant, and
have awe of Me.(40)
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