Thursday 29 March 2012

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Beautiful Story (Poor man and Angel)
once 0pen a time there was a poor man. He
alwaya went to forest and collect the wood.
And sell it in the market. one day when he
was cutting the wood his Axe was fall in the
pond. His important wealth is just axe so he
was crried and crried. In this time The
Angel came and ask him, why u r crring? He
reply to the Angel "my wealth Axe was fall
down into the pond ". Then Angel goes into
pond and bring a Golden Axe and ask him is it
your Axe? poor man reply this is not mine.
Again Angel goes into the pond and bring a
sliver Axe again ask him is it your Axe? he
reply it is not mine. then god bring a iron Axe
poor man said that that is my Axe. The Angel
was very happy about his rationality and gave
him all(golden, sliver and iron) axe. poor man
was very happy. . . .(obaid)
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