Saturday 31 March 2012

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"The Cow"
(Revealed at Medina, Verses 286)
In the name of Allah, The Merciful, The All-
Alif Lam Mim (A.L.M.); (1)
this is the Book, no doubt in it, a guidance
to the godfearing, (2)
who believe without seeing, establish the
Prayer and expend of that We have provided
them; (3)
who believe in what has been sent down to
thee and what has been sent down before
thee, and they are sure about the Hereafter.
Those are upon guidance from their Lord,
and those are the ones who shall prosper.
Those who disbelieve, it is equal for them
whether thou warn them or warn them not,
they will not believe. (6)
God has set a seal on their hearts and on
their ears; and there is a covering on their
eyes; and for them shall be a big
And some men there are who say, `we
believe in God and the Last Day', but they are
no believers. (8)
They would deceive God and the Believers,
but they do not deceive any except
themselves, though they do not perceive. (9)
In their hearts is a sickness, then God
increased their sickness, and for them shall
be a painful punishment, for that they were
speaking lies. (10)
And when it is said to them, `do not cause
disorder in the land', they say, `we are only
putting things right.' (11)
Behold, they are the ones that cause
disorder, though they do not perceive. (12)
And when it is said to them, `believe as the
people believe', they say, `shall we believe as
the fools believe?' Behold, they are the fools,
but they do not know. (13)
And when they meet the Believers, they say,
`we believe'; but when they are alone with
their devils, they say, `we are with you, we
only mock.' (14)
God mocks them and leaves them in their
insolence, blindly wandering. (15)
Those are the ones that have bought error
in place of guidance, and their commerce
has not profited them, and they are not
Their likeness is as the likeness of him who
kindled a fire, and when it lit about him, God
took away their light, and left them in
darkness, unseeing. (17)
Deaf, dumb and blind, they do not return.
Or it is as a cloud-burst from the heaven, in
which is darkness, thunder and lightning;
they put their fingers in their ears against
the thunderclaps, for fear of death; but God
has encompassed the unbelievers. (19)
The lightning almost snatches away their
eyes; whenever it gives them light, they walk
in it, and when it darkens over them, they
halt; had God willed, He would have taken
away their ears and their eyes; God is
powerful over everything.(20)

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