Saturday 19 May 2012

Who is the happy one? He is the one whose
heart is connected to Allah.
Who is the happy one? He is the one who
reaches the evening and the morning, and
nothing else is in his heart except Allah the
Who is the happy one? He is the one who
Allah is pleased with his soul, whose heart
finds peace in the remembrance of Allah, and
his tongue glorifies Allah continually.
Who is the happy one? He is the one to whom
Allah prepares a pleasure due to his
obedience, and he is well pleased with his
deeds that are lasting.
Who is the happy one? He is the one who is
blessed by Allah with his family, and with his
wealth and children, and they are a pleasure
for his eyes, and he praises Allah The Exalted
for the highs and the lows.
Who is the happy one? He is the one whom
Allah makes the people happy with, so that he
has a good reputation, and is loved and
highly regarded, he is the one who only good
is mentioned about him, and he is only
known for good.
Who is the happy one? He is the one who in
the last moment in his life has a heart that is
steadfast, and a tongue that remembers
(Allah), for he is pleased with Allah and Allah is
pleased with him.
Who is the happy one? He is the one who
when his hour is imminent, and his time has
come, the angels of his Lord come down to
him.. with the good news of joyful calm and
satisfaction, and of mercy and forgiveness,
and that Allah is pleased with him and is not
angry (at him).
Who is the happy one? He is the one to whom
a happy ending is guaranteed, so that he
leaves this life, with his final words being.. La
Illaaha Illallah.
Who is the happy one? He is the one who is
blessed by Allah in his grave, and he is
content in his grave, even if he enters his
grave and is enclosed in this cloth Allah
strengthens his soul, and Allah strengthens
his tongue, so he says, ‘’My Lord is Allah, and
my religion is Islam, and my Prophet is
Muhammed (salAllaahu alayhi wa salam).’’, and
a caller calls from the Heavens, ‘’My servant
has spoken the truth!’’. Then (a garment)
from paradise is brought for him, and its
(paradise) gate is opened for him and for him
is fragrent plants and a joyous rest. So says
the happy man, oh my Lord, hasten the hour!
Oh my Lord, hasten the hour! Because of his
desire for the mercy of Allah, and his desire
for the huge reward that awaits him by the
grace of Allah.
Who is the happy one? He is the one who
rises from his grave to the meeting, and is
among the blessed ones and he is raised with
the martyrs, the angels welcome them and
say ‘’Do not be sad, the greatest horror is
over’’ and the angels (say) ‘’This is your day
that was promised to you’’ [21:103]
Who is the happy one? He is the one who,
when the sun nears the whole of creation,
and all the proud are humiliated, and all that
can talk are silenced, and the glow of the sun
is intense, and its heat is enormous and
people on the earth are deep in their sweat,
and the suffering is profound, and the horror
is great, he is the one who is under the shade
of Allah on the day on which there is no
shade except His.
Who is the happy one? He is the one who,
when standing before his Lord, occupies a
fine position and increases in rank, he and his
tongue speak the best words, after which a
caller of Allah calls him to the good news
about Paradise.
Who is the happy one? He is the one who has
reached his final destination, and for him the
verdict is, enter paradise, home of the bliss
and accommodation of the righteous.
Certainly this is the happiness of everyone,
this is what the righteous servant wishes.
This is certainly true happiness, if Allah opens
(for you) the door to it, no one will be able to
close it from you. If Allah wants to make his
servant happy, then first He will grant him the
belief in Allah the Majestic, he is the one who
knows Allah with His most beautiful names,
and His highest descriptions, Allah gives him
true faith, and a steadfast heart, and he
entrusts all matters to The One, The Merciful,
and he wholeheartedly believes in his heart
that; there is no refuge and no rescue and no
escape from Allah except in Allah.
The happy one, he is the one whose heart
Allah filled with emaan, if good befalls him, he
is grateful so it is good for him, and if a
calamity befalls him, he is patient so it is good
for him. His condition does not change, nor
does his guidance, for he has Paradise and
the Fire placed in front of his eyes. So he
works for Paradise and flees from the Fire.. -
Sheikh Muhammad Mukhtar Ash-Shinqitee

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