Sunday 20 May 2012

They try to spread their religion with different
ways , even by sharing the cross in all pcs of
the world , but they plan , Allah plan and Allah
is the best planner ....
we will make our kids aware that Islam is the
straight path and we will make them proud of
being muslims , we will not let them be
christians after tasting the blessing and mercy
of Islam
Islam is the only religion in the world that
bring a great peace to the heart because it is
the religion of Allah and our holy book was
never corrupted .alhamdulellah !
Allah the almighty say in Surat 'Āli `Imrān(85) :
""And whoever desires other than Islam as
religion - never will it be accepted from him,
and he, in the Hereafter, will be among the
==> By the way , we can conclude that after
the coming of the prophet Muhammad peace
be upon him , you must be a muslim if you
want to be in paradise ....and Islam is the
religion of all epochs .
I will not send my kids to hell , i will make
them muslims to save them
Islam is the only way ♥

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