Wednesday 23 May 2012

Repent If You Have Committed A Sin Anytime.
ALLAH Shall Forgive You, In Sha Allah. Then, Try
To Not Repeat The Same Sin Again. After All,
He Is The One You Shall Meet In The After Life,
So Obey His Law And He Shall Give You

Tuesday 22 May 2012

A married lady was expecting a birthday gift
from her husband. For many months she had
admired a beautiful diamond ring in a
showroom,and knowing her
husband could afford it,she told ...him that
was all she wanted. As her birthday
aproached,this lady awaited signs that her
husband had purchased the
diamond ring.Finally,on the morning of her
birthday,her husband called her into his
study.Her husband told her how proud he
was to have such a good wife,and told her
how much he loved her.He handed her a
beautiful wrapped gift box.Curious,thewife
opened the box and found a lovely, leather-
bound Quraan,with the wife's name
embossed in gold.
Angrily,she raised her voice to her husband
and said, 'With all your money you give me a
Quran ?'And stormed out of the house,leaving
her husband.Many years passed and the lady
was very successful in business.She managed
to settle for a more beautiful house and a
wonderful family,but realized her ex-husband
was very old, and thought perhaps she
should go to visit him.She had not seen him
for many
years.But before she could make
arrangements,she received a telegram telling
that her ex-husband had passed away,and
willed all of his possessions to her.
She needed to come back immediately and
take care of things.When she arrived at
her ex-husband's house,sudden sadness and
regret filled her heart.She
began to search through her ex-husband's
important papers and saw the still new
Quraan,just as she had left it years
before.With tears,she opened the quraan and
began to turn the pages.As she read the
words,a tiny package dropped from the back
of the Quraan 'It had a diamond ring, with
her name engraved on it-- the same diamond
ring which she saw at the showroom.On the
tag was the
date of her birth,and the words. 'LOVE YOU
ALWAYS'.How many times do we miss Allaah's
blessings,because dey are not packaged as
Adi ibn Hatim (ra) reported : I came to the
Prophet (saw) , while I had across of gold
around my neck. He (saw) said, "O Adi !
Remove this idol from yourself !" I heard him
reciting the verse in Surah Bara'ah, " They
have taken their priests and rabbis as Lords
besides Allah." [9:31] He (saw) said, "As for
them, they did not worship them, but rather
when they made something lawful for them
they considered it lawful , and when they
made something unlawful for them they
considered it lawful." [Sunan Tirmidhi ~ #
★ A Student Who Made His
Teacher Cry ★
A teacher told one of his lazy
students, “If you bring me a
handful of dust of Paradise,
you’ll be a successful
Next day, the little boy came
with a handful of dust and
gave it to his teacher. The
teacher became angry and
said, "Are you kidding me!
Where did you get this
The student answered with
tears in his eyes, "This dust
was under the feet of my
mother. Beloved Prophet
Salallahu AlyeheWasallam
taught us that Paradiselies
under the feet of mothers."
One old man was sitting with his 25 years oldson in the train. Train is about to leave the station. All passengers are settling down theirseat. As train started young man was filled with lot of joy and curiosity. He was sitting onthe window side.He went out one hand and feeling the passing air. He shouted, "Papa see all trees are going behind". Old man smile andadmired son feelings.
Beside the young man one couple was sitting and listing all the conversion
between father and son. They were little awkward with the attitude of 25
years old man behaving like a small child.
Suddenly young man again shouted, "Papa see the pond and animals. Clouds
are moving with train". Couple was watching the young man in
Now its start raining and some of water drops touches the young man's hand.
He filled with joy and he closed the eyes. He shouted again," Papa it's
raining, water is touching me, see papa".
Couple couldn't help themselves and ask the old man. "Why don't you visit
the Doctor and get treatment for your son."
Old man said, "Yes, We are coming from the hospital as Today only my son
got his eye sight for first time in his life."
Moral of The Story : : We should not try to draw conclusions until we know all the facts".
O you who have believed, let not a people ridicule [another] people; perhaps they may be better than them; nor let women ridicule [other] women; perhaps they may be better than them. And do not insult one another anddo not call each other by [offensive] nicknames. Wretched is the name of disobedience after [one's] faith. And whoeverdoes not repent - then it is those who are the wrongdoers.(Qur an 49:11)
‘O you who believe! avoid most of suspicion, for surely suspicion in some cases is a sin, and do not spy nor let some of you backbite others. Does one of you like to eat the flesh ofhis dead brother? But you abhor it; and be careful of (your duty to) Allah, surely Allah is Oft-returning (to mercy), Merciful’(Quran 49:12)
^ ^ ^ Sunnat Of Drinking ^ ^ ^
1. To sit and drink. (Sahih al-Bukhari
Hadith6452 and Sahih Muslim Hadith5242,
5247). Zamzam water and left over water in
the utensil used for Wudhu are excluded from
2. To drink with the right hand. (Sahih al-
Bukhari Hadith5380; Sahih Muslim
3. To take 3 sips (or more in odd numbers).
(Sahih al-Bukhari Hadith5631; Sahih Muslim
4. To say Bismillah before drinking. (Sahih al-
Bukhari and al-Azkaar; Fath al-Baari vol.10
5. To say Alhamdulillah after drinking. (Ibnus-
sunni Hadith472; Majmauz-zawaaid vol.5
pg.81; Sunan al-Tirmidhi Hadith1885; Fath al-
Bari vol.10 pg.117 Hadith5631)
6. If there are several people who are going
to share the drink, it should be given to the
one on the right. (Sahih al-Bukhari
Hadith5612; Sahih Muslim Hadith5257)
7. The one who is distributing the water (or
food) should himself drink after everyone.
(Sunan al-Tirmidhi Hadith1894)
8. To recite the following Du’aa after drinking,
‘Alhamdulillaahi llaadhiy at’ama wa saqaa, wa
sawwaghahu wa ja’ala lahu makhraja.' (Abu
Dawud Hadith3847). This Du’aa could also be
recited after eating. (Ibid)
9. After drinking milk to recite ‘Allaahumma
baarik lanaa feehi wa zidnaa minhu’. (Sunan
Abi Dawud Hadith3723; Sunan al-Tirmidhi
Hadith3455; ibnus-sunni Hadith474).

Monday 21 May 2012

A young girl asked her elder brother,
"What is Love?"
Her brother replied,
"Love is when you steal my chocolate
everyday from my bag and I still keep it in that
place for you." ♥
May ALLAH grant us love within our families.
May ALLAH make us overlook the faults and
concetrate on the good in others.
if you display your beauty to whole world
uploading by facebook..
what have you left for your future
Mind this ''your beauty not for the whole
world it's only for your spouse'' :)
Righteousness is not that you turn your faces
toward the east or the west, but [true]
righteousness is [in] one who believes in
Allah , the Last Day, the angels, the Book, and
the prophets and gives wealth, in spite of love
for it, to relat...ives, orphans, the needy, the
traveler, those who ask [for help], and for
freeing slaves; [and who] establishes prayer
and gives zakah; [those who] fulfill their
promise when they promise; and [those who]
are patient in poverty and hardship and
during battle. Those are the ones who have
been true, and it is those who are the
righteous. (Quran, 2:177)
1) BOY: Hi, May I drop you at your college?
GIRL: No thanks! I have my own means (legs).
Better drop some handicapped one.
(2) BOY: Hello! May I help you to lift your
GIRL: Yes! Can you lift my burden of sins as
they have overburdened me.
(3) BOY: Excuse me! We all are going for a
good movie,would u like to join us? GIRL: No.
Please! No!Not at all. BOY: But why?
GIRL: I'm busy with my own.
BOY: What...your own movie? What u mean?
GIRL: My life itself is a real movie for me. I'm
busy in making it better.
(4) GIRL: Hello! Can you show me your
BOY: How can I show that?
GIRL: Just by lowering your gaze.Don't stare at
me again, because Allah is watching you.
(5) BOY: Hey what happened to you? You
seem worried today.Do you need any help?
GIRL: No thanks! I'm good Alhumdulillah. I'm
just thinking of my aakhirah.(hereafter)
(6) BOY: Hey you! I think you are a Muslim.
Aren't you?
GIRL: Yes I'm. Why do you ask when you
already knew? Well, you should follow Islam,
before following me.
(7) BOY: Excuse me! Can I have your number
GIRL: Why?
BOY: Hmm, I just wanna talk to you, tonight.
GIRL: Im sorry I can't, better you talk to my
BOY: Ok, No problem! May I know who is your
GIRL: Yes, the one who knows the hidden
secrets of his slaves. Talk to him tonight, May
you be guided.
(8) BOY: Oh, Mashallah! You look awesome in
this Hijab today.Where did you buy it from?
GIRL: Please!Shut your eyes and heart from
me and remember my beloved who created
you-The owner of Might n Majesty, the
possessor of faith and beauty.
(9) BOY: Salam! As today is My Birth day, I
would like to give you a gift, instead of you
giving me.
GIRL: Well, May I know what for?
BOY: Hmm, just I wanna make you happy.No
other reason.
GIRL: Ok fine! Give it to an orphan please, I
will be more than happy.
(10) BOY: Excuse me, If you don't mind can I
take your picture please?
GIRL: But why?
BOY: You look hot in this new black Hijab.
GIRL: Oh I see, remember the grave will be
blacker and the hell will be hotter than this.
(11) BOY: Dear, I love you!
GIRL: You shouldn't.
BOY: What?
GIRL: You shouldn't love me.
BOY: Why?
GIRL: Because, those who believe are stronger
in their love for Allah.(Qur'an#2:165)
Can you spend your few minutes to make DUA
for him & all of us??? JazakAllahu
Beloved Prophet SalAllahu Alyehe Wasallam's
favorite dates ! ! !
Ajwa is a soft dry variety of date fruit from
Saudi Arabia. It is cultivated at Madina
Munawara. A delightfully soft and fruity date
with fine texture. These dates cost around 70
Saudi Riyals per KiloGram.
• Ajwa Dates Keep Away Harm, Poison And
♥ Beloved Prophet SalAllahu Alyehe Wasallam
said, “Whoever has seven Ajwa dates every
morning, he will not be harmed on that day
by poison or magic.”
[Sahih Bukhari (5445) (5768) (5769) (5779)]
♥ Beloved Prophet SalAllahu Alyehe Wasallam
said, “Ajwa dates are from Paradise.”
♥ Referring to eating seven Ajwa dates,
Beloved Prophet SalAllahu Alyehe Wasallam
said, “He will not be harmed by anything until
he reaches the evening.”
[Sahih Muslim (2047)]
• Madina Dates Keep Away Harm
♥ Beloved Prophet SalAllahu Alyehe Wasallam
said, “Whoever has seven dates between the
two areas (the east and west of Madina) as
soon as he wakes up every morning, he will
not be harmed on that day by poison until the
[Sahih Muslim (154) (2047)]
• Dates In One’s Home
♥ Beloved Prophet SalAllahu Alyehe Wasallam
said, “O Aisha! A house that has no dates in it,
their family is hungry. Oh Aisha! A house that
has no dates in it, their family is hungry.”
[Sahih Muslim (153), (2046)]

Sunday 20 May 2012

••• Why bitter fruits were sweet to Ayyaz
There was a famous ruler by the name Sultan
Mahmud and he had a slave called Ayyaz.
Sultan Mahmud loved Ayyaz very much
because of his great wisdom.
From time to time, Sultan would test Ayyaz
with various things to see how much love
Ayyaz had for him.
One day, Sultan Mahmud gathered the most
bitter fruits from his garden and called Ayyaz.
Sultan told Ayyaz to eat them.
Ayyaz took the fruits in his hands and kissed
them and then started eating them without
any hesitation. Sultan observed that Ayyaz
was eating the fruits with great pleasure and
the bitter taste was not affecting him in any
Now Sultan started thinking that he might've
picked the wrong fruits, so, he took one of
the fruits from Ayyaz to find out.
As soon as Sultan took a bite, he was
overwhelmed by the bitterness of the fruit
and started screaming for water. When Sultan
settled down, he asked Ayyaz why he was
unaffected by the fruits.
Ayyaz said "You only see the bitterness of the
fruits but you don't see the one who gave
them to me? They were given to me by the
king himself!"
Lesson ♥ : My dear friends, today we find
some commandments of Allah to be bitter
and hard to follow. However, we should
rather follow them with great love because
they were given to us by the King of all kings,
••• Why bitter fruits were sweet to Ayyaz
There was a famous ruler by the name Sultan
Mahmud and he had a slave called Ayyaz.
Sultan Mahmud loved Ayyaz very much
because of his great wisdom.
From time to time, Sultan would test Ayyaz
with various things to see how much love
Ayyaz had for him.
One day, Sultan Mahmud gathered the most
bitter fruits from his garden and called Ayyaz.
Sultan told Ayyaz to eat them.
Ayyaz took the fruits in his hands and kissed
them and then started eating them without
any hesitation. Sultan observed that Ayyaz
was eating the fruits with great pleasure and
the bitter taste was not affecting him in any
Now Sultan started thinking that he might've
picked the wrong fruits, so, he took one of
the fruits from Ayyaz to find out.
As soon as Sultan took a bite, he was
overwhelmed by the bitterness of the fruit
and started screaming for water. When Sultan
settled down, he asked Ayyaz why he was
unaffected by the fruits.
Ayyaz said "You only see the bitterness of the
fruits but you don't see the one who gave
them to me? They were given to me by the
king himself!"
Lesson ♥ : My dear friends, today we find
some commandments of Allah to be bitter
and hard to follow. However, we should
rather follow them with great love because
they were given to us by the King of all kings,
They try to spread their religion with different
ways , even by sharing the cross in all pcs of
the world , but they plan , Allah plan and Allah
is the best planner ....
we will make our kids aware that Islam is the
straight path and we will make them proud of
being muslims , we will not let them be
christians after tasting the blessing and mercy
of Islam
Islam is the only religion in the world that
bring a great peace to the heart because it is
the religion of Allah and our holy book was
never corrupted .alhamdulellah !
Allah the almighty say in Surat 'Āli `Imrān(85) :
""And whoever desires other than Islam as
religion - never will it be accepted from him,
and he, in the Hereafter, will be among the
==> By the way , we can conclude that after
the coming of the prophet Muhammad peace
be upon him , you must be a muslim if you
want to be in paradise ....and Islam is the
religion of all epochs .
I will not send my kids to hell , i will make
them muslims to save them
Islam is the only way ♥

Saturday 19 May 2012

Narrated 'Amr bin Al-As (radiyaAllaahu 'anhu)
that he asked Prophet (sallAllaahu 'alayhi wa
sallam), "Who is the most beloved person to
you?" He (sallAllaahu 'alayhi wa sallam) said,
"Aisha" [Bukhari: Book 5 Volume 57 Hadith
The Messenger of Allah (sallAllaahu 'alayhi wa
sallam) said about Khadija (radiyAllaahu
'anha) that: "Her love had been nurtured in
my heart by Allah Himself". [Muslim: Book 31
Hadith 5972]
Narrated 'Amr bin Al-As (radiyaAllaahu 'anhu)
that he asked Prophet (sallAllaahu 'alayhi wa
sallam), "Who is the most beloved person to
you?" He (sallAllaahu 'alayhi wa sallam) said,
"Aisha" [Bukhari: Book 5 Volume 57 Hadith
The Messenger of Allah (sallAllaahu 'alayhi wa
sallam) said about Khadija (radiyAllaahu
'anha) that: "Her love had been nurtured in
my heart by Allah Himself". [Muslim: Book 31
Hadith 5972]
'I looked at all friends, and did not find a
better friend than safeguarding the tongue. I
thought about all dresses, but did not find a
better dress than piety. I thought about all
types of wealth, but did not find a better
wealth than contentment in little. I thought of
all types of good deeds, but did not find a
better deed than offering good advice. I
looked at all types of sustenance, but did not
find a better sustenance than patience'.
--Omar ibn Khattab
Who is the happy one? He is the one whose
heart is connected to Allah.
Who is the happy one? He is the one who
reaches the evening and the morning, and
nothing else is in his heart except Allah the
Who is the happy one? He is the one who
Allah is pleased with his soul, whose heart
finds peace in the remembrance of Allah, and
his tongue glorifies Allah continually.
Who is the happy one? He is the one to whom
Allah prepares a pleasure due to his
obedience, and he is well pleased with his
deeds that are lasting.
Who is the happy one? He is the one who is
blessed by Allah with his family, and with his
wealth and children, and they are a pleasure
for his eyes, and he praises Allah The Exalted
for the highs and the lows.
Who is the happy one? He is the one whom
Allah makes the people happy with, so that he
has a good reputation, and is loved and
highly regarded, he is the one who only good
is mentioned about him, and he is only
known for good.
Who is the happy one? He is the one who in
the last moment in his life has a heart that is
steadfast, and a tongue that remembers
(Allah), for he is pleased with Allah and Allah is
pleased with him.
Who is the happy one? He is the one who
when his hour is imminent, and his time has
come, the angels of his Lord come down to
him.. with the good news of joyful calm and
satisfaction, and of mercy and forgiveness,
and that Allah is pleased with him and is not
angry (at him).
Who is the happy one? He is the one to whom
a happy ending is guaranteed, so that he
leaves this life, with his final words being.. La
Illaaha Illallah.
Who is the happy one? He is the one who is
blessed by Allah in his grave, and he is
content in his grave, even if he enters his
grave and is enclosed in this cloth Allah
strengthens his soul, and Allah strengthens
his tongue, so he says, ‘’My Lord is Allah, and
my religion is Islam, and my Prophet is
Muhammed (salAllaahu alayhi wa salam).’’, and
a caller calls from the Heavens, ‘’My servant
has spoken the truth!’’. Then (a garment)
from paradise is brought for him, and its
(paradise) gate is opened for him and for him
is fragrent plants and a joyous rest. So says
the happy man, oh my Lord, hasten the hour!
Oh my Lord, hasten the hour! Because of his
desire for the mercy of Allah, and his desire
for the huge reward that awaits him by the
grace of Allah.
Who is the happy one? He is the one who
rises from his grave to the meeting, and is
among the blessed ones and he is raised with
the martyrs, the angels welcome them and
say ‘’Do not be sad, the greatest horror is
over’’ and the angels (say) ‘’This is your day
that was promised to you’’ [21:103]
Who is the happy one? He is the one who,
when the sun nears the whole of creation,
and all the proud are humiliated, and all that
can talk are silenced, and the glow of the sun
is intense, and its heat is enormous and
people on the earth are deep in their sweat,
and the suffering is profound, and the horror
is great, he is the one who is under the shade
of Allah on the day on which there is no
shade except His.
Who is the happy one? He is the one who,
when standing before his Lord, occupies a
fine position and increases in rank, he and his
tongue speak the best words, after which a
caller of Allah calls him to the good news
about Paradise.
Who is the happy one? He is the one who has
reached his final destination, and for him the
verdict is, enter paradise, home of the bliss
and accommodation of the righteous.
Certainly this is the happiness of everyone,
this is what the righteous servant wishes.
This is certainly true happiness, if Allah opens
(for you) the door to it, no one will be able to
close it from you. If Allah wants to make his
servant happy, then first He will grant him the
belief in Allah the Majestic, he is the one who
knows Allah with His most beautiful names,
and His highest descriptions, Allah gives him
true faith, and a steadfast heart, and he
entrusts all matters to The One, The Merciful,
and he wholeheartedly believes in his heart
that; there is no refuge and no rescue and no
escape from Allah except in Allah.
The happy one, he is the one whose heart
Allah filled with emaan, if good befalls him, he
is grateful so it is good for him, and if a
calamity befalls him, he is patient so it is good
for him. His condition does not change, nor
does his guidance, for he has Paradise and
the Fire placed in front of his eyes. So he
works for Paradise and flees from the Fire.. -
Sheikh Muhammad Mukhtar Ash-Shinqitee
In France after picking groceries in the
supermarket, a Niqaabi sister stood in the line
to pay. After a few minutes, her turn came up
at the checkout counter.
The checkout girl who was a non-Hijaabi Arab
Muslim girl started to scan the items of the
Niqaabi sister one buy one and then she
looked at her with arrogance and said: ”We
have many problems in this country, your
Niqaab is one of them!!
We, immigrants, are here for trade and not to
show our Deen or history! If you want to
practice your Deen and wear Niqaab then go
back to your Arab country and do whatever
you want!!” The Niqaabi sister stopped
putting her grocery in the bag and lifted up
her Niqaab…
The checkout girl was in total chock! The
Niqaabi girl who was blond with blue eyes
told her: ”I am a French girl, not an Arab
immigrant! This is my country and THIS IS MY
ISLAM!! You born Muslims sold your Deen and
we bought it from you!” end of story!
This is a fact! Many revert Muslims have
stronger faith than born Muslims!
In France after picking groceries in the
supermarket, a Niqaabi sister stood in the line
to pay. After a few minutes, her turn came up
at the checkout counter.
The checkout girl who was a non-Hijaabi Arab
Muslim girl started to scan the items of the
Niqaabi sister one buy one and then she
looked at her with arrogance and said: ”We
have many problems in this country, your
Niqaab is one of them!!
We, immigrants, are here for trade and not to
show our Deen or history! If you want to
practice your Deen and wear Niqaab then go
back to your Arab country and do whatever
you want!!” The Niqaabi sister stopped
putting her grocery in the bag and lifted up
her Niqaab…
The checkout girl was in total chock! The
Niqaabi girl who was blond with blue eyes
told her: ”I am a French girl, not an Arab
immigrant! This is my country and THIS IS MY
ISLAM!! You born Muslims sold your Deen and
we bought it from you!” end of story!
This is a fact! Many revert Muslims have
stronger faith than born Muslims!
Anas R.A reported that a man was with the
Prophet, may Allah bless him and grant him
peace, when a man passed by him and said,
“O Messenger of Allah, I love this man.” The
Prophet said to him, “Have you informed
him?” He said, “No.” He said, “Inform him,”
and he caught up with him and said, “I love
you for the sake of Allah.” He said, “The One
for whom you love me has made me love
you.” [Abu Dawud]
To His Compassionate Grandfather
‘Abdul-Muttalib brought the boy to Makkah. He
had warm passions towards the boy, his
orphan grandson, whose recent disaster (his
mother’s death) added more to the pains of
the past. ‘Abdul-Muttalib was more passionate
with his grandson than with his own
children. He never left the boy a prey to
loneliness, but always preferred him to his
own kids. Ibn Hisham reported: A mattress
was put in the shade of Al-Ka‘bah for ‘Abdul-
Muttalib. His children used to sit around that
mattress in honour to their father, but
Muhammad [pbuh] used to sit on it. His uncles
would take him back, but if ‘Abdul-Muttalib
was present, he would say: “Leave my
grandson. I swear by Allâh that this boy will
hold a significant position.” He used to seat
the boy on his mattress, pat his back and was
always pleased with what the boy did. [Ibn
Hisham 1/168]
When Muhammad [pbuh] was eight years,
two months and ten days old, his grandfather
‘Abdul-Muttalib passed away in Makkah. The
charge of the Prophet [pbuh] was now
passed on to his uncle Abu Talib, who was
the brother of the Prophet’s father.
Abu Talib took the charge of his nephew in
the best way. He put him with his children
and preferred him to them. He singled the boy
out with great respect and high esteem. Abu
Talib remained for forty years cherishing his
nephew and extending all possible protection
and support to him. His relations with the
others were determined in the light of the
treatment they showed to the Prophet [pbuh].
Ibn ‘Asakir reported on the authority of
Jalhamah bin ‘Arfuta who said: “I came to
Makkah when it was a rainless year, so
Quraish said ‘O Abu Talib, the valley has
become leafless and the children hungry, let
us go and pray for rain-fall.’ Abu Talib went to
Al-Ka‘bah with a young boy who was as
beautiful as the sun, and a black cloud was
over his head. Abu Talib and the boy stood by
the wall of Al-Ka‘bah and prayed for rain.
Immediately clouds from all directions
gathered and rain fell heavily and caused the
flow of springs and growth of plants in the
town and the country.[Mukhtasar Seerat-ur-
Rasool p.15,16]
I'm a "Muslim" kill me and call it a "mistake"
"Imprision me and call it "
Security measures"
Rob my rights ,invade my land,
Declares me as terroist and call it
But Listen I'm Muslim and INSHA'ALLAH I"ll
remain Muslim forever.!
Do you heard "every fall has a rise" and when
Muslims rise, everything will fall.!!!!!!!
Alhamdulillah Proud to be a MUSLIM

Friday 18 May 2012

Assalamu Alaiykum!!!
Do we ever stop for a while and asked our
self, what is going to happen to me the first
night in my grave ? Think about the moment
your body is being washed and prepared to
your grave!!! Think about the day people will
be carrying you to your grave!!! And your
families crying ...think about the moment you
are put in your grave!!! Just imagine ...yourself
in your grave!!! Down there in that dark
hole!!! Alone...! Its too Dark you cry for help!!!
But......... It is too narrow your bones are
squashed You regret missing 5 prayers ,you
regret listening music ,you regret not wearing
Hijab!!! You regret ignoring Allaah 's orders...!
But no ESCAPE ...... You alone with your deeds...
No money ,no jewelries, Only your deeds...!
May Allaah (subhanahu wa ta'ala) protect us
all from the punishment of the grave....!
★ Five Steps for Effective Da’Wah ★
✿ Assalamu’alaikum Warahmatullahi
Wabarakatuhu ✿
ﺍﻟﺴـــﻼﻡ ﻋــﻠﻴــﻜــﻢ ﻭ ﺭﺣــﻤــﺔ ﺍﻟﻠﻪ ﻭ ﺑـــﺮﻛـــﺎﺗـــﻪ
May Allah's Peace, Mercy and Blessings upon
I. Ways of Relating to People
A. Be attentive and show concern. When
shaking hands. The Prophet (pbuh) never
released his hand first, and never turned his
face away from others until they did
1. Be consistently considerate
2. Share in others’ interests.
3. Inquire about the absent
4. Exchange gifts
5. Visit the sick
6. Listen to and look at the speaker
B. Address people by the names they like
One day the prophet asked a man about his
name, and he replied that it was Abdulhajjar
(slave of stone). The prophet said “No, you’re
Abdullah” (the slave of Allah)
II. Requirements for Effective Da’wah
A. Don’t blame the people for their mistakes
or be critical.
1. Many people are hypersenstive to criticism.
2. Some people become defensive when
blamed. When Musa went to Pharoah, Allah
said, “but speak to him mildly…… .. perchance
he may take warning or fear (Allah)”.
B. Don’t embarrass by correcting someone in
front of others.
The Prophet (pbuh) used to use plurality
when correcting a particular person in front
of a group. For example, he would ask the
group, “what do you think about those who
do such-and-such a bad thing?”.
C. Satisfy the people’s halal needs.
1. Help those in need
2. Don’t wait to assist the needy until they ask
3. The prophet (pbuh) always helped the
4. The Prophet (pbuh) said, “Whosoever
removes a worldly grief from a believer, Allah
will remove from him one of the griefs of the
Day of Judgement. whoever alleviates [the lot
of] a needy person, Allah will alleviate [his lot]
in this world and the next.
D. Always be fair, just, and honest
E. Give others sincere respect and heighten
their self-esteem.
1. Remember, if the respect you show others
is not genuine you will be showing hypocrisy,
rather than respect.
2. One day a mushrik came to the prophet
(pbuh) who was sitting with Abu Bakr on his
right. The Prophet had Abu Bakr move to left,
and had the mushrik sit on his right, a
position of honor.
3. Two brothers came to speak to the Prophet
(pbuh) when the younger of them spoke first,
the Prophet interrupted him and asked the
older to start.
F. Don’t be angry or retaliate for injury to
yourself, but be angry or retaliate only for
wrongdoing in the view of Allah.
III. Techniques for Growing Closer to Others
A. Attempt to understand deeply those you
deal with
1. Find out their background (cultural,
educational, social, etc) because that helps in
finding access to their minds and hearts.
2. Attempt to know everyone equally well.
Favoritism creates mistrust and hurt feelings.
B. Be simple, moderate, and respectful
C. Do not insulate yourself from the bad
people. They need you more than the others.
D. Be tactful
1. Avoid personal questions and embarassing
2. Address the person according to his level of
E. Be cheerful and enthuisiastic
Al-Harith, a companion said, I have never seen
anyone who smiled most of the time as the
Prophet (pbuh) did.
F. Present a pleasant appearance
1. Be clean and neat
2. Observe decency in dress
3. Wear clothing that is harmonious to the
total outfit
4. The prophet (pbuh) saw someone with
uncombed hair and asked, “Didn’t you find
something with which to comb it?”
5. Never eat raw onion or garlic when going
to the masjid or to meet with people.
IV. Obstacles to Da’wah
A. Don’t be afraid of temptation.
Some peole fear contact with non-Muslims for
fear of succumbing to their bad influence. the
remedy for this is to strengthen one’s faith.
B. Don’t be shy.
1. Some people lack the courage to mix with
others and socialize.
2. The remedy for this is practice.
Have you ever seen a small baby when its
We were all there once upon a time. You see
the baby how much it’s in need of assistance.
It’s totally dependent on other people, and
this is how Allah creates a person, why?
Because he wants him to remember his
He can’t turn by himself, he wets his nappy, he
does number 2 in his nappy and he can’t
clean himself until his mother comes and she
cleans up.
He wants to drink because he’s hungry, and
he can’t drink nor move until his mother
feeds him.
And then after a while that same little baby
becomes older and older and then he starts
thinking that he’s something special, and then
he forgets his origins and he starts to think
that he is IT, he is THE MAN!
Forgetting his origins, and the older that he
gets, the more independent he regards
himself and when he starts going to the gym
and pumping some iron and starts taking
growth hormones so he bloats, then after a
while he thinks he’s something really special!
And on a beautiful summer day you won’t
find him in the Masjid but he’s on the street
with a t-shirt on and then a time comes that
that very same person becomes old and he
becomes bent back when he reaches that age
and he walks with a stick and when he wakes
up in the morning all his bones hurt
All those bones hurt! And then a time comes
and he becomes ill, sick, and he can’t move
without assistance again, why? Because Allah
made him dependent, then Allah made him
independent, and then a age came that Allah
made him dependent again.
And then he lies upon his bed, and he can’t
move, and the angel of dead is sitting at his
head and he is waiting to take out his soul,
he’s waiting, he sees it and nobody around
him sees it. And he sees the reality!
And if he was a good person then Allah will
give him the success to pronounce the
Kalimah – La Ilaha illa illaah.
And if not, then he leaves this world, and that
very same person, now they give him a bath,
he can’t bathe himself anymore, they give him
a bath!
And then that person, imagine it, imagine!
Because it will happen to every single one of
A time comes when they dig a ditch of six feet
deep, and they put you in it and then they put
the sand over you, and you are all by yourself,
imagine it. Because it will happen to every
single person.
And then the only thing which will remain
with you in that grave are your good actions,
the only thing! Your muscles, your money,
your car, your house, your friends, your
children, everything will remain behind!
And if you have good actions they will save
The grave is a garden from the gardens of
Jannah, and when the person is placed in the
grave, the grave says to that person: ‘’Out of
all the people who were walking on the face
of this earth, you were the most beloved to
And now you have come to me, you will see
how I deal with you how I encounter you,
and it opens up as far as the eyes can see,
and windows into Jannah open.
And then there will be the another person,
who lived his life, but he did whatever he
wanted. He womanized, he wined and dined
and he actually believed that he is going to
kick 50, and when he grows 50 he’s going to
grow a beard and perform hajj and go to the
But there is no guarantee!
And he is put in his grave, all by himself!
Nobody with him, and the grave will say to
him: ‘’Out of all the people who were walking
on the face of this earth, you were the most
despised in my eyes, you were the most
despicable in my eyes.’’
And the grave will squeeze him! And the only
thing which will suffice and safeguard you on
that day is your actions.
We become independent and we think we
are something special, but when man will be
brought in front of Allah he will be like a
newly born calf, who tries to stand up and
falls, and tries to stand up again and falls
down again.
When man will come in front of Allah to
account for his actions, he will be like this! His
legs will not hold him, he will try to stand and
then he will drop, he will try to stand again
and he will drop, like a little calf, and he will
do this and again and again.
And look how often we delude ourselves,
believing we are something special. But on
that day every man will know how special he
is! The biggest gangsters, the biggest drug
dealers, the biggest machos, the biggest
bouncers, they will know their reality!
And when he will see his evil actions on that
day of judgment, he will cry until his tears dry
up and he will have no tears left! And then he
will still keep on crying, but he will cry tears of
blood, when he will see the reality!
And he will have remorse and say, ‘WHY
If u like it , plz share it with others ..
Asalamualaikum Warahmatullahi
Allah (SWT), Love For GOD The
The Noble Qur'an says: "The believers are
stronger in their love for Allah." (Surah Al-
Baqara, 2:165)
According to Islamic teaching, the minimum
expectation from believersis that God should
have the first place in their heart, in the sense
that no other love may override one's love for
God; God should be the highest and foremost
object of love. The Noble Qur'an says:
Say: If your fathers and your sons and your
brethren and your mates and your kinsfolk
and property which you have acquired, and
the slackness of trade which you fear and
dwellings which you like, are dearer to you
than Allah and His Messenger and striving in
His way, then wait till Allah brings about His
command: and Allah does not guide the
transgressing people. (Surah Al-Tawba, 9:24)
This verse clearly indicates that one'slove for
God has to be superior to one's love for
everything else that one may come to love in
one's life. This superiority shows itself when
the love for God and for His religion comes in
conflict with one's love for one's personal
belongings. In this case, a believer should be
able to sacrifice his personal favourite things
for the sake of God. For example, if God asks
us to give our lives to protect innocent lives or
our territorial integrity or the like, we should
not let our love for this world or any other
distraction i.e. family, wealth, power, etc.
prevent us from striving in His way. And
nothing should come into conflict with our
love for God. The Noble Qur'an says:
Allah has not made for any man two hearts in
his (one) body. (Surah Al-Ahzab, 33:4)
Imam Ali (as) would always spend time with
his children. Once he was sitting in his house
with his young children. Sayyida Zainab (sa)
then asked, "Dear, father, do you love me?"
Imam Ali (as) said, "Yes, of course, my children
are like a part of my heart". On hearing this,
she said,"You also love Allah (SWT). How can
two loves be in one heart of a true believer,
the love of Allah (SWT) and that of children?"
Imam Ali (as) smiled and replied,"Love Allah
(SWT) and for the sake ofHis love, you love His
creatures; children and fellow beings too. I
loveyou for the sake of Allah (SWT)."
Hence love for God is the foundation of
Islamic belief, the foundation on which man is
to establish the principles of his faith (Iman).
Hence with one heart one cannot choose two
Imam Jafar al-Sadiq (as) said once,"The heart
is the sanctuary of God, therefore do not
settle therein anything but God."
Hadith Qudsi says, "Neither [the vastness of]
My earth, nor [that of] My heaven can contain
Me. Indeed it is the heart of the man of faith
whichcan contain Me."
Urdu Couplet says: Kaba Kitna Khush Kismat
Hai, Ke Yeh Allah (SWT) Ka Ghar Hai, Lekin Is
Mein Allah Nahi Rehta, Momin Kaba Se Bhi
Ziada Khush Kismat Hai, Jis Ke Dil Mein Allah
(SWT) Rehta Hai.
The history of Islam is full of memories of
those who embodied a sincere and
overwhelming love for God and His religion.
One of those who full-heatedly devoted
himself to Islam was Bilal al-Habashi, a
blackslave. The pagans of Quraysh in Makkah
subjected him to torture asking him to
mention names of their idols express his
belief in them and disbelieve in Islam. They
tormented him under the burning Sun by
laying him on scorching sand and putting
heavy rocks on his chest. Abu Bakr, a rich
companion (Sahabi) of Prophet Muhammad
(saw), was passing by when he heard the cry
of Bilal. He went close and advised him to hide
his belief, but Bilal was not prepared to do so;
since "love was ever rebellious becomes
Another example love for Islam is Imam
Hussayn ibn Ali (sa), who said:"Oh God, I have
left the world in Yourlove. Am ready to make
my children orphans in Your love. My heart
could not divert towards anybody but You.
Even if You cut my body into pieces inYour
Narrated Aisha, Ummul Mu’minin: The Apostle
of Allah (peace be upon him) said: By his
good character a believer will attain the
degree of one who prays during the night
and fasts during the day.
Sunan of Abu-Dawood – Book 41 Hadith 4780
"O you who believe (Muslims)! When the call is
proclaimed for the Salat (prayer) on the day of
Friday (Jumu'ah prayer), come to the
remembrance of ALLAH (Jumu'ah religious
talk (Khutbah) and Salat (prayer)) and leave off
business (and every other thing), that is
better for you if you did but know. Then
when the (Jumu'ah) Salat (prayer) is finished,
you may disperse through the land, and seek
the Bounty of ALLAH (by working, etc.), and
remember ALLAH much, that you may be
(Quran, Chapter 62, Verses #9 & 10)

Thursday 17 May 2012

The Messenger of Allah (blessings and peace
of Allah be upon him) said: “Fear the prayer of
the oppressed, even if he is a disbeliever, for
there is no barrier (between it and Allah).”
Narrated by Ahmad, 12140; classed as hasan
by al-Albaani in Saheeh at-Targheeb wa’t-
Tarheeb, 2231
As-Salāmu 'Alaykum wa rahmatullahi wa
barakatuh ,
Umm Habibah bint Abu Sufyan (“ﺭﺿﻲ ﺍﻟﻠﻪ
ﻋﻨﻪ”) narrated that the Messenger of Allah
(''ﺻﻠﻰ ﺍﻟﻠﻪ ﻋﻠﻴﻪ ﻭﺳﻠﻢ'') said: “Whoever prays
twelve rakat during the day and night will
have a house built for him in Paradise: four
rakat before Zuhr and two after it, two rakat
after Maghrib, two rakat after Isha, and two
rakat before Fajr.” (Hasan Sahih hadith)
One of the Umayyad Khalifa’s asked Ibn Hazm,
“Why do we fear death?” Ibn Hazm replied,
“Because we hate to go from what we have
built to what we have destroyed.” Whatever
efforts and accumulations we have made are
for this Dunya and it shows in the form of our
properties, businesses, possessions, etc.,
looking very nice. When we try to imagine our
property in the Akhirah we don’t see
anything, or at best, we are uncertain. Thus,
we don’t feel comfortable about going there.
But our death will bring an end to this life and
will take us to the life of that uncertain place
So why not invest in a real estate project for
the Hereafter? A person’s heart is where their
wealth is, e.g. a lady is always conscious of
where her purse is, and if she has to leave it
and go somewhere she tells someone else to
mind it for her. If we send our wealth
forward and do the deeds that earn us riches
for the Hereafter then our hearts will also be
inclined to move on from this temporary
abode. Rasul Allah ('' ﺻﻠﻰ ﺍﻟﻠﻪ ﻋﻠﻴﻪ ﻭﺳﻠﻢ'') told
us that whoever prays these 12 rakat of
Sunnah, gets a beautiful mansion made for
him or her in Jannah.
Let’s get on with it inshaAllah.
Bismillah irrahman nirrahim
Umm Aayesha radi allahu anha se se rivayat
hai ki Rasoollallah sallallahu alalihi wasallam
apney tamam kaamon mein jahan tak
mumkin hota daaye (right side) taraf se shuru
karney ko pasand farmatey they Taharat ke
waqt bhi, Kangha karney mein aur juta
pahanney mein bhi
Sahih Bukhari, Vol 1, # 426
Abdullah bin masood radi allahu anhu se
rivayat hai ki Rasoollallah sallallahu alaihi
wasallam ne farmaya Qayamat ke din mere
sabse ziyada nazdeek wo log
hongey jo mujh par kasrat se (ziyada se
ziyada) Durud bhejtey hain
Jamia Tirmidhi , Vol 1, # 466
Narrated 'Aisha radi allahu anha : The Prophet
Peace be upon him used to start every thing
from the right (for good things) whenever it
was possible in all his affairs; for example: in
washing, combing or wearing shoes.
Sahih Bukhari, Vol 1, Book 8, 418
Narrated by Abdullah bin masood radi allahu
anhu The Prophet peace be upon him said On
the day of Qiyamah the person closest to me
will be the one who has sent the most
Durood unto me.
Jamia Tirmidhi, Vol1 466
Turn to ALLAH .....
When you have a terrible day
you just want to scream
❤ Just turn to ALLAH
When your feeling so down
you have lost all hope
❤ Just turn to ALLAH
When your feeling betrayed
you just want to curse
❤ Just turn to ALLAH
When you can't see a way out
of a terrible situation
❤ Just turn to ALLAH
When your feeling like
you have no self esteem
❤ Just turn to ALLAH
When your feeling all O.K and
the world is at your feet
❤ Just remember not to forget ALLAH !
You can then be certain He will remember
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Who said that women do not have rights in
Islam? On the contrary, women have MANY
rights and are cherished in Islam!! ♥
Some rights of a Muslimah:
The right and duty to obtain education.
The right to have their own independent
The right to work to earn money if they need
it or want it.
Equality of reward for equal deeds.
The right to express their opinion and be
The right to provisions from the husband for
all her needs and more.
The right to negotiate marriage terms of her
The right to obtain divorce from her husband,
even on the grounds that she simply can't
stand him. (pls note that God deeply frowns
upon divorce as a solution unless there is
hardly any other alternative but it does not
mean that men have more right to divorce
their wives than women do.)
The right to keep all her own money (she is
not responsible to maintain any relations).
custody of their children after divorce.
to refuse any marriage that does not please
and more...
Adjust....or do not fall in love ;)
Looking for the Perfect Woman
One afternoon, a Muslim young man and his
friend were sitting in a cafe, drinking tea and
talking about life and love. His friend asked:
“How come you never married?”“Well,” said
the young man, “to tell you the truth, I spent
my youth looking for the perfect woman. In
Cairo I met a beautiful and intelligent woman,
but she was unkind. Then in Baghdad, I met a
woman who was a wonderful and generous
soul, but we had no common interests. One
woman after another would seem just right,
but there would always be something
missing. Then, one day, I met her. Beautiful,
intelligent, generous and kind. We had very
much in common. In fact, she was
perfect!”“What happened?” his friend, “Why
didn’t you marry her?”He sipped his tea
reflectively. “Well,” he replied, “it’s really the
sad story of my life….It seemed she was
looking for the perfect man…
And of His signs is that He created for you
from yourselves mates that you may find
tranquility in them; and He placed between
you affection and mercy. Indeed in that are
signs for a people who give thought.
Sura 30 Ar-Rum / The Romans verse

Wednesday 16 May 2012

“Be careful…. if you make a women cry
Allah the most high counts her
A women came out of the rib of man,
not his feet to be walked on,
nor his head to be superior over;
... she came from his side to be his
under his arm to be protected, and
next to his heart to be be loved.”See MoreSee
Information About Beauty Of A Muslimah :
Make up is not the beauty secret of a woman
Because .... nothing would beautify her face
more than shyness,
Nothing would make her face bright more
than Taqwa,
Nothing would make her get people respect
more than purity,
Nothing would raise her status more than
Beauty is not only found in a beautiful face
but real beauty is found in the pure soul of a
Muslimah ...
The Fuel of Hell-Fire
“Those who has disbelieved –
their wealth and their children
will never benefit them anything
with Allah. And those are the
ones who are the fuel of
[ali'-Imran, 3: 10]
“And there are among us
Muslims (in submission to Allah)
and others who deviate from
justice. And whoever accepts
Islam has sought out the right
path. As for those who deviate,
they will be firewood for the
[al-Jinn, 72: 14-15]
“But if you cannot – and of a
surety you cannot – then fear the
fire whose fuel is men and stones,
which is prepared for those who
reject faith.”
[al Baqarah, 2: 24]
“O you who believe, save
yourselves and your families from
a fire whose fuel is men and
stones, over which are appointed
angels, stern and severe, who do
not disobey Allah in what He
orders them and who do
precisely what they are
[al-Tahreem, 66: 6]
False Gods
“Verily, you (unbelievers) and
what you worship besides Allah
are fuel for Hellfire, You will
surely come to it. If those had
(truly) been gods, they would not
have come to it. But all will abide
therein eternally.”
[al-Anbiya, 21: 98-99]
“And the Fierce
Fire will be
brought out before those straying
in evil, and it will be said to them,
‘Where are those you worshipped
besides Allah? Can they help you
or help themselves?’ Then they
will be thrown into it (the Hellfire)
on their faces – they and those
straying in evil and the soldiers of
Iblees, all together.”
[ash Shu'ara, 26: 91-95]
Al Quran: Jannat ul firdaus ke waris...
1. Beshaq Imaan waley kaaamyab ho gaye
2. Jo Apni Namazon mein aajazi karney waley
3. Aur Jo behudah baton se munh modney
waley hain
4. Aur jo Zakat deney waley hain
5. Aur jo Apni sharmgaho ki hifazat karney
waley hain
6. Magar apni biwiyon aur Ghulam aurton par
isliye ki ismein koi ilzam nahi
7. Phir jo shaksh iskey alawa talabgaar ho to
wohi Hadd se nikalney waley hain
8. Aur jo Apni Amanton aur Apne wadey ka
Lihaz rakhney waley hain
9. Aur jo apni Namazon ki hifazat kartey hain
10. Wohi waris hai
11. Jo jannat ul firdaus ke waris hongey wo
usmein hamesha rahney waley hongey
AL Quran: Al Mumenoon, Chapter 23, verse #
1- 11
1. Successful indeed are the believers.
2. Those who offer their Salat (prayers) with
all solemnity and full submissiveness.
3. And those who turn away from Al-Laghw
(dirty, false, evil vain talk, falsehood, and all
that Allah has forbidden).
4. And those who pay the Zakat.
5. And those who guard their chastity (i.e.
private parts, from illegal sexual acts)
6. Except from their wives or (the slaves) that
their right hands possess, - for then, they are
free from blame;
7. But whoever seeks beyond that, then those
are the transgressors;
8. Those who are faithfully true to their
Amanat (all the duties which Allah has
ordained, honesty, moral responsibility and
trusts) and to their covenants;
9. And those who strictly guard their (five
compulsory congregational) Salawat (prayers)
(at their fixed stated hours).
10.These are indeed the inheritors
11.Who shall inherit the Firdaus (Paradise).
They shall dwell therein forever.
AL Quran: Al Mumenoon, Chapter 23, verse #
1- 11
Al Quran: Jannat ul firdaus ke waris...
1. Beshaq Imaan waley kaaamyab ho gaye
2. Jo Apni Namazon mein aajazi karney waley
3. Aur Jo behudah baton se munh modney
waley hain
4. Aur jo Zakat deney waley hain
5. Aur jo Apni sharmgaho ki hifazat karney
waley hain
6. Magar apni biwiyon aur Ghulam aurton par
isliye ki ismein koi ilzam nahi
7. Phir jo shaksh iskey alawa talabgaar ho to
wohi Hadd se nikalney waley hain
8. Aur jo Apni Amanton aur Apne wadey ka
Lihaz rakhney waley hain
9. Aur jo apni Namazon ki hifazat kartey hain
10. Wohi waris hai
11. Jo jannat ul firdaus ke waris hongey wo
usmein hamesha rahney waley hongey
AL Quran: Al Mumenoon, Chapter 23, verse #
1- 11
1. Successful indeed are the believers.
2. Those who offer their Salat (prayers) with
all solemnity and full submissiveness.
3. And those who turn away from Al-Laghw
(dirty, false, evil vain talk, falsehood, and all
that Allah has forbidden).
4. And those who pay the Zakat.
5. And those who guard their chastity (i.e.
private parts, from illegal sexual acts)
6. Except from their wives or (the slaves) that
their right hands possess, - for then, they are
free from blame;
7. But whoever seeks beyond that, then those
are the transgressors;
8. Those who are faithfully true to their
Amanat (all the duties which Allah has
ordained, honesty, moral responsibility and
trusts) and to their covenants;
9. And those who strictly guard their (five
compulsory congregational) Salawat (prayers)
(at their fixed stated hours).
10.These are indeed the inheritors
11.Who shall inherit the Firdaus (Paradise).
They shall dwell therein forever.
AL Quran: Al Mumenoon, Chapter 23, verse #
1- 11
"If you lend Allah a goodly loan (i.e. spend in
Allah's Cause), He will double it for you, and
will forgive you. And Allah is Most Ready to
appreciate and to reward, Most Forbearing,
All-Knower of the unseen and seen, the All-
Mighty, the All-Wise."
[At-Taghabun 64:17-18]
People are often unreasonable, illogical and
Forgive them anyway.
If you are kind, people may accuse you of
selfish, ulterior motives;
Be kind anyway.
If you are successful, you will win some false
friends and some true enemies; Succeed
If you are honest and frank, people may cheat
Be honest and frank anyway.
What you spend years building, someone
could destroy overnight;
Build anyway.
If you find serenity and happiness, they may
be jealous;
Be happy anyway.
The good you do today, people will often
forget tomorrow;
Do good anyway.
Give the world the best you have, and it may
never be enough;
Give the world the best you've got anyway.
You see, in the final analysis, It is between you
and Allah.
It never was between you and them anyway.

Tuesday 15 May 2012

It was narrated that Abu Hurayrah said: The
Messenger of Allaah (peace and blessings of
Allaah be upon him) said: “Whosoever shows
enmity to someone devoted to Me, I shall be
at war with him. My servant draws not near
to Me with anything more loved by Me than
the religious duties I have enjoined upon him,
and My servant continues to draw near to Me
with supererogatory works so that I shall love
him. When I love him I am his hearing with
which he hears, his seeing with which he
sees, his hand with which he strikes and his
foot with which he walks. Were he to ask
[something] of Me, I would surely give it to
him, and were he to ask Me for refuge, I
would surely grant him it. I do not hesitate
about anything as much as I hesitate about
[seizing] the soul of My faithful servant: he
hates death and I hate hurting him.” Narrated
by al-Bukhaari, 6502.
From Surah al-Rahman are the glorious words
of our Creator: "Then which of the favors of
your Lord will your deny?"
Yet how often we deny the greatest of favors
that the Bestower has granted us. This
favor,in the form of awoman...
A woman who carried us within her for
almost a whole year of her short life in this
world, bearing every hardship and discomfort
to protect and nurture our frail being as the
Fashioner gently prepared us to come into
this worldly realm...
A woman who braved death's door,
embracing pain unimaginable to even the
most stalwart of warriors, that our tiny form
may chance to take its first breath, open its
eyes to the light of a new home, and feel her
warm, soft caress,as she forgets all that she
went through, to make comfortable our
awakening into a new world...
A woman who had forsaken rest, slumber,
and dreams for far too many nights; to rise
instead, and answer the pitiful wail of a
helpless creature that always knew she would
be there to answer its plaintive cry, even as
the whole world slumbered on into the dead
of the night...
A woman who we call Mother.
If we only knew her lofty station in the sight
of He whose mercy is endless, a single portion
of which He showered upon the world and it
manifested itself as the undying compassion
of the mother to her child.
To deny is to show ingratitude. To show
ingratitude is to lose one's blessings... like
sand flowing through one's fingers.
To show ingratitude to the all Merciful is to
show ingratitude to the means He creates out
of His endless mercy. WHAT OF THE MEANS
If one's mother is alive, then cry out of
thankfulness to ALLAAH, look her in the eyes
and tell her how blessed you are for someone
like her...
Tell her how much you love her...
And never forget the immortal words of our
Beloved Prophet (Peace Be Upon Hm):
"Paradise is under the feet of the mother..." ♥
You only live once; Everything you do in this
Dunya will have a direct effect on your place
in the After-life. You don't get any second
chances. We strive to please Allah (SWT) in this
life in hopes that He may grant us with His
Mercy in the After-life.
May Allah grant us his mercy ameen.
shared by someone - ALHAMDULILLAH:-
plz read long but worth reading!!!!
Ahmed was 11 years old when his mother (a
single mom) dropped him off for his first
Qirat lesson. I prefer that students (especially
boys!) begin at an earlier age, which I
explained to Ahmed. But Ahmed said that it
had always been his mother's dream to hear
him recite the Quran. So I took him as a
student. Well, Ahmed began with his Qirat
lessons and from the beginning I thought it
was a hopeless endeavor. As much as he
tried, he lacked the sense of reading and
failed to recognize the alphabets. But he
dutifully read the Quran that I require all my
students to learn.
Over the months he tried and tried while I
listened and cringed and tried to encourage
him. At the end of each weekly lesson he'd
always say, "My mom's going to hear me
recite someday." But it seemed hopeless. He
just did not have any inborn ability. I only
knew his mother from a distance as she
dropped Ahmed off or waited in her aged car
to pick him up. She always waved and smiled
but never stopped in.
Then one day Ahmed stopped coming to our
lessons. I thought about calling him but
assumed, because of his lack of ability, that he
had decided to pursue something else. I also
was glad that he stopped coming. He was a
bad advertisement for my teaching!
Several weeks later I mailed to the student's
homes a flyer on the upcoming recital. To my
surprise Ahmed (who received a flyer) asked
me if he could be in the recital. I told him that
the recital was for current pupils and because
he had dropped out he really did not qualify.
He said that his mom had been sick and
unable to take him to Qirat lessons but he
was still practicing. "Miss ... I've just got to
recite!" he insisted. I don't know what led me
to allow him to participate in the recital.
Maybe it was his persistence or maybe it was
something inside of me saying that it would
be all right.
The night for the recital came. The high
school gymnasium was packed with parents,
friends and relatives. I put Ahmed up last in
the program before I was to come up and
thank all the students and play a finishing
piece. I thought that any damage he would
do would come at the end of the program
and I could always salvage his poor
performance through my "curtain closer."
Well, the recital went off without a hitch. The
students had been practicing and it showed.
Then Ahmed came up on stage. His clothes
were wrinkled and his hair looked like he'd
run an eggbeater through it. "Why didn't he
dress up like the other students?" I thought.
"Why didn't his mother at least make him
comb his hair for this special night?"
He began. I was surprised when he
announced that he had chosen Surah-Al Kahf.
I was not prepared for what I heard next. His
voice was light and soft.
His rectials were perfect! Never had I heard a
recital so well by a person his age. After six
and a half minutes he ended . Overcome and
in tears I ran up on stage and put my arms
around Ahmed in joy. "I've never heard like
that Ahmed! How'd you do it?" Through the
microphone Ahmed explained: "Well
Shaykh...remember I told you my mom was
sick? Well, actually she had cancer and passed
away this morning. And well....she was born
deaf so tonight was the first time she ever
heard me play. I wanted to make it special."
There wasn't a dry eye in the house that
evening. As the people from Social Services led
Ahmed from the stage to be placed into foster
care, I noticed that even their eyes were red
and puffy and I thought to myself how much
richer my life had been for taking Ahmed as
my pupil. ... He was the teacher and I was the
pupil. For it is he that taught me the meaning
of perseverance and love and believing in
yourself and maybe even taking a chance in
someone and you don't know why.
♦♦♦ The Wise Judge ♦♦♦
Two women were brought before King
Solomon. Both these women had a quarrel
over a single baby. Each woman was saying
that she was the baby's mother.
One lady said, "Oh King! I am the baby's
The other lady said, "Oh King! Believe her not.
She is not the mother. I am the mother of the
King Solomon was confused. After a deep
thought he said, "Cut the baby into two and
give one part to each mother". One woman
was silent. The other cried "Oh King! Let she
have the baby. Let the baby live". The king
gave the child to the crying mother.
♥ Moral ♥ :Truth Always Triumphs.
1-Fulfills ur Islamic duty
2-Stands proof on d day f J'MENT
3-It interceeds us on d day f J'MNT
4-Ur status wil b raised n dis life
5-U wil b 4m de best f people here
6-Each leter wil hav 10rewards
7-U wil b n company wid Angels
8-Ur position n Paradise wil b determind by d
amount u memorized,
9-It Leads u 2Paradise.
plz fwrd 2all muslims u knw &make dem 2led
a quality(islamic) life.INSHA ALLAH.....
"the life of this world is just an ENJOYMENT OF
life is like a rest stop on the way of hereafter
treat it as such
life has no guarantee even you have not the
guarantee ofyour next prepare for
aakhirah fast ♥

Monday 14 May 2012

The Messenger of Allah (Sall Allahu 'Alaihi Wa
Sallam) Said: “I do not shake hands with
women.” (An-Nasai # 4181; Ibn Maajah #
ﻟَّﻘَﺪۡ ﻛَﺎﻥَ ﻟَﻜُﻢۡ ﻓِﻰ ﺭَﺳُﻮﻝِ ﭐﻟﻠَّﻪِ ﺃُﺳۡﻮَﺓٌ ﺣَﺴَﻨَﺔٌ۬ ﻟِّﻤَﻦ ﻛَﺎﻥَ
ﻳَﺮۡﺟُﻮﺍْ ﭐﻟﻠَّﻪَ ﻭَﭐﻟۡﻴَﻮۡﻡَ ﭐﻟۡﺄَﺧِﺮَ ﻭَﺫَﻛَﺮَ ﭐﻟﻠَّﻪَ ﻛَﺜِﻴﺮً۬ﺍ
Indeed in the Messenger of Allâh (Muhammad
SAW) you have a good example to follow for
him who hopes for (the Meeting with) Allâh
and the Last Day and remembers Allâh much.
[Surah Al-Ahzab (33) : 21

Sunday 13 May 2012

miracle click
Seven important ingredients for a blissful
"1. LOVE: The special feeling that makes you
feel all warm and wonderful.
2. RESPECT: Treating your spouse as you
would like to be treated.
3. APPRECIATION: To be grateful for all the
good things your spouse does for you.
4. HAPPINESS: The full enjoyment of each
moment spent together with a smiling face.
5. FORGIVENESS: The ability to forgive each
other for the sake of Allah (swt).
6. SHARING: The joy of giving without
thoughts of receiving.
7. HONESTY: The quality of always telling the
truth." —
♥ A word "MOTHER" that means the world to
me ♥ •
Every Day is Mothers day in ISLAM
My MOTHER bore me in her, for months
together, protected me from harm, just to see
my charm, she made me sleep and stealthily
walked out like a thief. She fulfilled my every
desire,she is the one whom i admire
My mother taught me RELIGION. "You better
pray that will come out of the carpet." ...
• My mother taught me WISDOM. "When you
get to be my age, you'll understand."
• My mother taught me TO APPRECIATE A JOB
WELL DONE. "If you're going to fight each
other, do it outside. I just finished cleaning."
• My mother taught me IRONY. "Keep crying,
and I'll give you something to cry about."
• My mother taught me about STAMINA.
"You'll sit there until all that spinach is gone."
• My mother taught me about ENVY. "There
are millions of less fortunate children in this
world who don't have wonderful parents like
you do."
• My mother taught me HOW TO BECOME AN
ADULT. "If you don't eat your vegetables, you'll
never grow up."
• My mother taught me about JUSTICE. "One
day you'll have kids, and I hope they turn out
just like you!"
"M" - is for million things she gave me,
"O" - is for the way she never grows old,
"T" - is for the tears she shed tosave me,
"H" - is for her heart of purest gold,
"E" - if for her eyes, with love -light shining,
"R" - means right, and right she'll always be
It is said, that if someone really wants
something from Allah and does not get up to
pray Qiyyam al-lail (voluntary night prayers)
then he/she obviously doesn't want it bad
The Messenger (Peace and Blessing be upon
him) said: "The Gates of Heaven are open at
midnight, and a caller calls, 'Is there a
supplicant that his supplication may be
granted? Is there a petitioner that his petition
maybe granted? Is there a distressed person
so that his distress may be removed?'
At that time, no Muslim makes a Dua but that
it is answered, except for an adulteress who
trades with her body, or a person who
gathers his money unlawfully." [Sahih al-Jami'
Look at our Muslim Sister She is Paying fine
for Hijab in France.
Now a Question !!
Neither Afghanistan, India nor Pakistan or any
Islamic country puts a Ban on Hijaab
but still y many of our Muslim Sisters from
Afghanistan, India & Pakistan and many other
countries r not following HIJAB ??
Dear MUSLIM sisters please answer me.?
Why do you upload your photos to face book?
Is i...t to get comments?
comments form others as “ wow”,
“beautiful”, “you are like an angel”.
Ok now tell me what do you get by these
Ok how long will that pleasure last for?
Maximum for 2, 3 days… or may be at each
time you read them.
But how much is that pleasure when
compared to the pleasure we have been
promised in Jannah?
Ok now answer me for this…
Would you like if your husband/boy admires
another girl?
"No" right? Then why do you give yourself to
be admired by someone else’s husband/boy?
how unfair!! Won’t the other girls too prefer
the same from their husband/boy?
And brothers now please answer this..
Would you be pleased if someone else
admires your wife/girl?
Then how fair is that you admire the wife/girl
of someone else?
And comment that “you are beautiful” and so
Please think a minute!!
♥ ♥ ♥ share it with u r friends ♥ ♥
Dua For Examz
Allahumma infa'nii bimaa 'allamtanii
wa'allimnii maa yanfa' unii.
O Allah! Make useful for me what you taught
me and teach me knowledge that will be
useful to me.
Allahumma inii as'aluka fahmal-nabiyyen wa
hifthal mursaleen al-muqarrabeen.
O Allah! I ask you for the understanding of
the prophets and the memory of the
messengers, and those nearest to you.
Allahumma ijal leesanee 'amiran bi thikrika
wa qalbi bi khashyatika.
O Allah! Make my tongue full of Your
remembrance, and my heart with
consciousness of You.
Innaka 'ala ma-tasha'-u qadeer wa anta
hasbun-allahu wa na'mal wakeel.
(O Allah!) You do whatever you wish, and you
are my Availer and Protector and the best of
Allahhumma inni astaodeeuka ma qara'tu
wama hafaz-tu. Faradduhu 'allaya inda hagati
elayhi. Innaka 'ala ma-tasha'-u qadeer wa
anta hasbeeya wa na'mal wakeel.
O Allah! I entrust you with what I have read
and I have studied. (O Allah!) Bring it back
Bismillah hir-Rahman nir-Rahim
Mafhum-e- Hadith: Kabristan mein Namaz
parhna mana hai
Hazrat Ali Radi Allahu Anhu se rivayat hai ki
mere Habib Rasoollallah Sallallhu Alaihi
Wasallam ne Kabristan mein Namaz parhney
se mana farmaya hai
Sunan Abu Dawud, Vol 1, # 488
Hazrat Abu said khudri Radi Allahu Anhu se
rivayat hai ki Rasoollallah Sallallahu alaihi
wasallam ne farmaya sari zameen Namaz ki
jagah hai siwaye Hamam aur Kabristan ke
Sunan Abu Dawud, Vol 1, # 490
English Translation:
Narrated Ali May Allah be Pleased with him
said: My affectionate friend (Prophet Peace be
upon him ) prohibited me to say prayer in the
Sunan Abu Dawud, Vol 1, Book2 # 490
Narrated Sa'id may ALLAH be pleased with
him : The Prophet peace be upon him said:
The whole earth is a place of prayer except
public baths and graveyards.
Sunan Abu Dawud, Vol 1, Book 2, Number

Saturday 12 May 2012

A Book that is full of answers,
a Book that makes you cry.
A Book that makes you notice, much
harder you can try.
A Book that makes you realize, what true love
really is..
A Book that gives you direction, a true path to
A Book that gives you hope, that Someone
somewhere is always watching over you.
A Book that helps you out, through all the
times your blue.
A Book that was revealed to our beloved
Prophet(peace be upon Him),
over a period of 23 years.
Once you put faith into this Book, you can
handle worldly affairs and fears.
A gift sent from Heaven, a treasure from
Written proof that shows us.. How blessed we
are with Allah’s(SWT) love. ♥
"Whoever guarantees me the correct use of
what lies
between his cheeks (the tongue) and what
lies between his thighs (the private parts), I
guarantee him
Paradise. "
[ Hadith - Bukhari]
The Messenger believeth in what hath been
revealed to him from his Lord, as do the men
of faith. Each one (of them) believeth in Allah,
His angels, His books, and His messengers.
"We make no distinction (they say) between
one and another of His messengers." And
they say: "We hear, and we obey: (We seek)
Thy forgiveness, our Lord, and to Thee is the
end of all journeys
When a person sins, he gets a feeling of
remorse in his heart. That is a mercy from
Allah and a reminder for him to seek the
mercy of Allah and turn to him in repentance.

Friday 11 May 2012

Our Phones •► Wireless!
Cooking •► Fire-less!
Cars •► Key-less!
Food •► Fat-less!
Dress •► Sleeveless!
Youth •► Jobless!
Leaders •► Shameless!
Relationships •► Meaningless!
Attitude •► Careless!
Feelings •► Heartless!
Education •► Valueless!
Children •► Manner less!
Everything is becoming LESS.... But... still,
Our Hopes are •► Endless!
May Allah bless and protect the Ummah...
ALLAH says in Quran:
[31:14] We enjoined the human being to
honor his parents. His mother bore him, and
the load got heavier and heavier. It takes two
years (of intensive care) until weaning. You
shall be appreciative of Me, and of your
parents. To Me is the ultimate destiny.
[31:15] If they try to force you to set up any
idols beside Me, do not obey them. But
continue to treat them amicably in this world.
You shall follow only the path of those who
have submitted to Me. Ultimately, you all
return to Me, then I will inform you of
everything you have done.
Controversy is presently raging through
Mushin area of Lagos State Nigeria following
the birth of a baby boy born holding a mini
Holy Quran.
This baby boy was delivered at a white
garment church in Mushin, Lagos State.
While some dispute the claim, others say it is
possible. A large crowd gathered at 1, Sonde
Street, Ijeshatedo, Lagos home of the boy’s
parents yesterday, as news of the birth
spread rapidly.
Mother’s Comment On Baby Boy Born With
Quran In Lagos State, Nigeria
The baby mother, Mrs. Kikelomo Ilori, 32, a
Cosmetologist by profession told reporters
she delivered him on Monday after she had
carried the pregnancy for about 10 months.
The single mother claimed she was
abandoned by her husband who denied
responsibility for the pregnancy and
encouraged her to abort it.
“When I refused to abort the pregnancy, he
deserted me, saying ‘that is your own
problem’.” Mrs. Ilori expressed surprise at the
birth of the boy. She added that the nurse
who delivered her of the baby was physically
challenged, but went about it commendably.
“When my baby was delivered holding a
Quran in his hand, the nurse said the Quran
should be thrown away. But I insisted my
mother must see it before any action could be
taken,” Kikelomo, who is a Christian, further
Corroborating the story, Senior Rev. Victoria
Yetunde Dada said during the pregnancy,
Kikelomo was always coming to her for
prayers and counselling.
“I advised her not to abort the pregnancy
because she might die in the process. Again, I
told her the foetus was sent by God and will
be great,” Apostle Mother Dada told our
correspondent. Controversy has continued to
trail the seemingly spurious claim.
Doctor’s Reaction To Baby Born With Quran In
Reacting, Medical Director of Bodet Hospital,
Ikeja, Lagos, Dr. Bode Tawak said scientifically,
it was not possible for a baby to be born
holding a Quran.
“How big is the baby’s hand to hold the
Quran? How big is the Quran? How did the
Quran get into her mother’s womb? I don’t
know how a Quran can get into a womb. But
there are things you can’t explain,” Dr. Tawak
responded. He said while the incident cannot
be explained medically, in Nigeria many
mysterious things happen. A Kaduna-based
medical practitioner, Dr. Munir Yusuf said
from a medical point of view, it was not
possible, but added that depending on the
size of the Quran, it was possible
He explained that if the Quran is small enough
to pass through the diameter of the vagina,
with the child, it is possible. In the same vein,
a herbal medicine practitioner, Chief Dr. Bola
Adegunloye believes nothing is impossible,
but said too much importance must not be
placed on the incident.
7 Important things to have and
give in your marriage:
1 LOVE : The special feeling that
makes you feel all warm and
wonderful. . .
2 RESPECT : Treating your spouse
as you would like to be treated. . .
3 APPRECIATION : To be grateful
for all the good things your
spouse does for you. . .
4 HAPPINESS : The full enjoyment
of each moment spent together
with a smiling face. . .
5 FORGIVENESS: The ability to
let things be without anger. . .
6 SHARING : The joy of giving
without thoughts of receiving. . .
7 HONESTY : The quality of
always telling the truth. . .
Narrated by Sahl bin Sa'ad (ra) : The people
were ordered to place the right hand on the
left forearm in the prayer. Abu Hazim (ra) said,
"I knew that the order was from the Prophet
(saw)." [Bukhari ~ 1 707]
We Need Your 3 Minutes To Read A story of (A
pious and intelligent woman)
••• A pious and intelligent woman •••
Once there was a great alim (Scholar) and
abid (Wise) . He loved his wife very much. Co-
incidentally, she passed away. This person
was so grieved by this that he locked his door
and abstained from meeting and conversing
with people.
A woman from the Banu Israil heard about
this so she went to him. She informed those
who were guarding the entrance to his
house that she wants to ask him a mas'ala
(Question) and that it can only be asked
directly to him. Saying this, she sat down
stubbornly by the door.
The person was informed of this and
eventually permitted her to enter. She said: "I
want to ask you a mas'ala." He replied: "Go
ahead." She said: "I have a neighbour from
whom I borrowed some jewellery. I am
wearing it for quite some time now.
Thereafter she sent a person asking for her
The question I want to ask you is that do I
have to give it back to her?" The alim replied:
"Yes, you have to give it back to her." The
woman replied: "That jewellery was with me
for a very long time. How can I give it?"
The alim replied: "In such a case, you should
give it even more happily because it was out
of her kindness that she allowed you to use it
for such a long time."
When he said this, the woman replied: "May
Allah have mercy on you? Why, then, are you
so sad? Allah had loaned you something and
when He wished, He took it back. (Because) it
belongs to Him." Upon hearing this, the alim
realized his mistake and benefited
tremendously from this conversation.
Lesson ♥ : Look at how this woman put some
sense into this man who was a great 'alim. O
women! You should also bear this in mind
when you have to encounter any difficulty or
calamity. You should also explain this to

Thursday 10 May 2012

Live your life in this world with moderation
and always deliberate before making any
commitment. In short, don’t bite off more
than you can chew. Hasan al-Basri
(Rahimahullah) said: “Beware of your
commitments that you make in this world, for
the world has a way of consuming a person.
A person makes a commitment to one thing
and he finds himself involved in ten other
commitments. (Hilyatul Awilya, Vol:2, Pg: 153)
The Youthful Servants of Jannah
“Around them will circulate eternal youths
with goblets, beakers and cups filled from
clear and flowing fountains, no after, ache will
they there from, nor will they suffer
intoxication, and also with fruits, any that
they may select; and the flesh of fowls, any
that they may desire.”
[Waqi'ah, 56: 17-21]
“Around them will circulate (devoted) youths
resembling well guarded pearls.”
[Tur, 52: 24]
“Around them, youths of perpetual
(freshness) will serve. If you see them, you will
think they are scattered pearls).”
[Insan, 76: 19]
♥ Alhamdulillâh... Jumuah (Friday) - The
weekly blessing from Allâh Ta'alaa - is here
now !!! Do many good deeds today & get
Rewards !!! ♥
Here are the sunnahs you can do today: !!►►
1 - Praying Fajr in congregation [al-Bayhaqi,
classed as saheeh by al-Albaani, 1119]
2 - Before and during Salaat al-Jumu’ah
(Friday prayer):
➲ Bathing on the day of Jumuah [Bukhari &
Muslim: 1951 & 977]
➲ Going early to Jumuah prayer [Bukhari &
Muslim: 929 & 1964]
➲ Walks to Jumu’ah prayer [al-Tirmidhi, 496]
➲ Listening attentively to the Jumu’ah Khutbah
(Sermon) [al-Bukhaari (934) & Muslim (851)]
3 - Seeking the hour of having one's prayer
answered on Jumuah day [Bukhari & Muslim:
#935 & 1969]
4 - Reading Surah Al-Kahf [al-Haakim, 2/399;
al-Bayhaqi, 3/249]
5 - Sends blessing on the Prophet Muhammad
(sallAllaahu 'alaihi wa sallam) [Ibn Majah, #
1085); Abū Dawūd, 1047]
In France after picking groceries in the
supermarket, a Niqabi sister stood in the line
to pay. After a few minutes, her turn came up
at the checkout counter.
The checkout girl was a non-Hijaabi Arab
Muslim girl, began to scan the items of the
Niqabi sister one by one, and after a while
looked at her with arrogance and said: ”We
have many problems in this country & your
Niqab is one of them!
We, immigrants, are here for trade and not to
show our Deen or history! If you want to
practice your Deen and wear Niqaab then go
back to your Arab country and do whatever
you want!!"
The Niqaabi sister stopped putting her
grocery in the bag and lifted up her Niqaab…
The checkout girl was in total shock. The
Niqabi girl who was blonde with blue eyes
told her: "I am a French girl, not an Arab
immigrant. This is my country and THIS IS MY
You born Muslims sold your Deen and we
bought it from you!"
Please Share!
why We Muslims do say "Astagfirullah" when
we yawn?
Yawning is the activity of the air breathed in
Yawning is a symptom indicating that the
person's brain and body needs oxygen and
nutrients, and because the respiratory organs
are lacking in oxygen supply to the brain and
And this happens when we're sleepy or dizzy,
lethargic, and people who are facing death
it was clear to enter various types of microbes
and dust, or lice along with the entry of air
into the body. Therefore, it comes nabawi
instructions so that we fight the"yawn" is as
strong as our ability, or even close his mouth
when he yawned with his right hand or even
with the back of his left hand.
Instead of Abu Said Al-Khudri r. a., he said: It
has been said: the Prophet s. a. w. intent: "If
someone you yawn, let him put his hand on
her mouth, the real devil kerana it will go
(through the mouth open."
(Reported by Imam 2995)
According to Mohammad bin Ismail as-Salaam
Subulus San'ani in his book that "Yawning is
said to extend to actsof Satan, kerana him out
of the result of satiety or laziness, and both
these actions, including matters like what the
Conduct of Yawning
Based on the above hadith, we can know
bahawa yawning is something that comes
from the devil. If you want compared with
sneezing, yawning is something that is not
liked by Allah Almighty. Why yawning is a sign
of thinking that fails, blunt lulled feeling sleepy
again. In fact a Muslim should sentiasa
energetic, sharp longer sensitive. He was just
sleepy habit when it is time to sleep. By
kerana thisreason, Imam Ibn Hajar
al-'Asqalani (852H) in his book Fath al-Bari
(vols 10, ms. 628) suggests a history of the
friends who testified that they never saw the
Messenger of Allah evaporate
Abu Dawood narrated in his Sunan via Nawfal
ibn Masaahiq from Sa’eed ibn Zayd that the
Prophet (sal'lal'lahu Alaihe Wasallam) said:
“The most prevalent kind of usury (riba) is
going to lengths in talking unjustly against a
Muslim’s honour.”
Al-Haafidh Ibn Katheer said:
"So whoever leaves the clear Sharee'ah, which
was revealed to Muhammad Ibn Abdullah, the
Seal of the Prophets, and takes the Hukm to
other than it from the laws of Kufr which are
abrogated, he has disbelieved. So what about
the one who takes the Hukm to the
'Yasaaq' (the law of the Tartars which mixed
Sahree'ah rulings with invented rulings) and
puts it before it?! Whoever does that, he has
disbelieved by the Ijmaa' of the Muslims."
– "Al-Bidaayah wa Nihaayah", Vol. 13/ 119
A Short Story:
A man was polishing his brand new car, his 4
year old son picked up a stone and scratched
the side of the car. In anger the father took
the child's hand and hit it several times, not
realizing he was using an iron wrench in
hitting the kids hand
At the hospital, the child sadly lost all his
fingers due to the severe trauma caused by
the wrench
When the child saw his father...He said, "Dad
when will my fingers grow back?" The Father
was speechless as he could not find the
words to explain what his second of anger
has had done for a life time to his son
With rage and regret the father went home
home and kicked the car several times,
devastated by his own actions, sitting in front
of the car, he looked at the scratches his son
had done and he found the scratches had
spelled out...."I LOVE YOU DAD"

Wednesday 9 May 2012

After picking groceries in the supermarket,
the Niqabi sister stood in the line to pay. After
few minutes, her turn came up at the
checkout counter.
The checkout girl who was non Hijabi Arab
Muslim girl started to scan the items of the
Niqabi sister one buy one and then she
looked at her with arrogance and said :”we
have in France many problems,… your Niqab
is one of them!!
We, immigrants, are here for trade and not to
show our Deen or history! If you want to
practice your Deen and wear Niqab then go
back to your Arab country and do whatever
you want!!” The Niqabi sister stopped putting
her grocery in the bag and took off her
The checkout girl was in total shock! The
Niqabi girl who was blond with blue eyes told
her:”I am a French girl, not an Arab
immigrant! This is my country and THIS IS MY
ISLAM!! You born Muslims sold your Deen and
we bought it from you!”
end of story
This is a fact! Many revert Muslims have
stronger faith than born Muslims! SuhanAllah!
Indeed,”Islam began a stranger and, then, it
will return as it began. Then bliss to the
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“Running From Allah’s Qadr to Allah’s Qadr”
There was a discussion between Abu
Ubaidah and `Umar (may Allah be pleased
with them both). During this discussion`Umar
decided not to proceed to his trip to ash-
Shaam, when the news reached him that
there was a plague spreading there. Thus he
decided to go back to Madinah, telling the
people “I’m returning back, thus you should
return as well”. In this incident Abu Ubaidah
did not attend Umar’s consultation with the
people and the result of the consultation.
However, when Abu Ubaidah heard of Umar’s
orders he came to `Umar asking him
“O `Umar, are you running away from Allah’s
By this he was objecting to `Umar’s decision
to return back to Madinah. `Umar was
amazed by this objection raised by Abu
Ubaidah and `Umar said to him,
“O Abu Ubaidah. I wish someone other than
you would have said this. Yes. I am running
away from Allah’s Qadr to Allah’s Qadr”.
He explained this by saying, if you see a man
coming to a place where there are two areas,
one area is lush and the other barren. Don’t
you see that if he takes his cattle to the lush
area, he is doing so according to Allahs Qadr
and if he takes his cattle to the barren area,
he is also taking it by Allah’s Qadr.
Put it another way; sometimes a individual is
confronted with a situation and it may be
totally out of ones control. Although the
individual accepts that it is from Allah, one
does not just accept it and give up. No. Rather
one repells the qadr of hunger with the qadr
of eating, the qadr of being attacked with the
qadr of defending oneself, the qadr of
poverty with the qadr of searching for work
in order to survive etc.
So whatever comes our way it is required for
us to continue along the path seeking the
pleasure of Allah by repelling one type of qadr
with another type of qadr according to the
situation that we’re in. If something does not
work, one tries doing something else until
one attains whatever it is they are trying to
attain while being patient along the way.
book Madaarij Al Saalikeen.
Cancer is one of the most dangerous Disease,
in Action in this modern era.
After Research Scientists have Announced
yesterday that, Most of theBrain Cancer is Due
to Cell Phones. Among the worst, it happens
when wekeep our mobile below the pillow in
vibration mode.
Scientist Stated Few Major:
1. Going to talk long?? Use Headphones!!
2. Do not Keep Mobile Phones below Pillow
while Sleeping.
3. Use Left Ear Often.
4. Do not Talk while the Mobile is Charging.
Major Precautions... Be safe and share to
make others TOO.
Never get tired of asking Allah for whatever
you need. Humans may get tired, may get
bored & get restless from listening to you but
not Allah...... Allah is always waiting to hear
from you & answer you♥♥♥
♥ Narrated Abu Huraira(ra) :
Allah's Messenger (may peace and blessing be
upon on him ) said, "Every night when it is the
last third of the night, our Lord, the Superior,
the Blessed, descends to the nearest heaven
and says: Is there anyone to invoke Me that I
may respond to his
invocation? Is there anyone to ask Me so that
I may grant him his request? Is there anyone
asking My forgiveness so that I may forgive
him?. "
[Bukhari :: Book 9 :: Volume 93 ::Hadith 586]

Tuesday 8 May 2012

~Istikhara -- Best Advice~
Jabir (radi Allahu anhu) stated: “As the
Prophet (sal Allahu alaihi wa sallam) taught us
the Quran, so also he instructed us to observe
Istikhara in every matter. The Prophet (sal
Allahu alaihi wa sallam) used to say, ‘When
anyone among you is perplexed over an
important matter, he should perform two
Rakahs of supererogatory (nafl) prayer and
then make this dua: O Allah, I ask You to show
me what is best through Your knowledge,
and bring it to pass through Your power, and
I ask You of Your immense favour; for You are
All-Powerful and I am not, You know and I do
not, and You are the Knower of the Unseen. O
Allah, if You know this matter to be better for
me in my religion, livelihood, and final
outcome, then bring it about and facilitate it
for me, and bless me with abundance therein.
And if You know this matter to be worse for
me in my religion, livelihood, and final
outcome, then keep it from me, and keep me
from it, and bring about the good for me
whatever it may be, and make me pleased
with it.’” [Sahih Bukhari]
Commentary: Istikhara means “to ask for
goodness and welfare.” Suppose you have
two job offers. Both are halal. Both are
comparable. Which one should you take? Only
Allah (subhana wa ta’ala) knows which will be
better for your Akhirah and Dunya, long-term
and short-term. There are so many hidden
factors that we cannot possibly know about.
So why not ask the One who does know and
is the Most Sincere for your welfare?
It is Sunnah (recommended) to pray two
Rakahs and then make the Istikhara dua.
However one may make the dua on its own,
or pray the two Rakahs alone with the
intention of seeking Allah’s guidance in the
matter. The two Rakahs may be prayed at any
time of day or night except for the forbidden
times of prayer. After you have sincerely
sought Allah’s guidance, then you simply
follow the course suggested to your heart or
that you find is made easy for you to do.
Rasul Allah (sal Allahu alaihi wa sallam) said:
“One who observes Istikhara is never
disappointed, and the one who takes counsel
is never put to shame; and the one who
observes economy does not have to depend
on others.” [Tabarani]
Commentary: There are many choices we
have to make all the time. Some obvious
important matters are those related to
marriage or employment. But there are other
matters that may appear to be small but could
have far reaching consequences. Only Allah
(subhana wa ta’ala) knows what is best for
you and He is willing to give the advice for
free. Whenever you are in doubt or perplexed
regarding what to do make Istikhara, consult
Allah and ask him what to do!
Narrated by Abu Huraira (Radi-Allahu 'anhu):
I heard Allah's Apostle (Sallallahu 'Alaihi Wa
Sallam) saying. "All the sins of my followers
will be forgiven except those of the Mujahirin
(those who commit a sin openly or disclose
their sins to the people). An example of such
disclosure is that a person commits a sin at
night and though Allah screens it from the
public, then he comes in the morning, and
says, 'O so-and-so, I did such-and-such (evil)
deed yesterday,' though he spent his night
screened by his Lord (none knowing about
his sin) and in the morning he removes
Allah's screen from himself."
Bukhari Vol. 8 : No. 95