Tuesday 10 July 2012

Prophet Muhammad (Sallallahu 'Alayhi Wa Alihi
Wa Sallam) said: “The father is the middle gate
of Paradise”
(reported by al-Tirmidhi, no. 1900; Saheeh al-
Jaami’, 7145)
(( love you dad . and missing you alot :`( :`( ))
Keep praying, bowing, prostrating to Allaah
for peace, sabr & strength because:
♥ As long as you are performing prayer, you
are knocking at the door of Allah,
and whoever is knocking at the door of Allah,
Allah will open it for him. ♥
(Imam Ibn al Qayyim Rahimahullah)
Deep in the sea are riches beyond compare…
But if you seek safety…it is on the shore! A
ship in the harbour is safe…but that’s not
what ships are built for! Most religious people
have embraced the Divine Faith harbouring
false hopes! Shariah means being on the right
track. Even on the right track…you’ll get run
over…if you just sit there!!!
They fail to understand that an empty
valueless ‘touch n go card’ would not trigger
the gates to be opened…while a minimum
top-up would only entitle them to travel a very
short distant! They have to be perfectly sure
that their topping-up will definitely get them
thro’…with HIS Grace and Mercy!
Why continue to live with false hopes and
empty dreams when you can make living a
better reality! Don’t leave impressions like an
oar upon the water! Islam never meant you to
be such…You cannot discover oceans unless…
you have the courage to leave the shore…!!!
If an egg is broken by outside force…life
ends…if it breaks from within…LIFE Begins…
GREAT things always begin from within…it will
take time, dedication, will-power, sacrifice
and action…to reach your goal…GO FOR ALLAH
(SWT)…you will get HIM…In sha Allah…
The Wedding Ceremony (Nikaah)
1 – Consent: ‘Aishah(R) asked Prophet
Muhammad (sallallahu alayhi was sallam) if
women must be asked for their permission of
marriage. Prophet Muhammad (sallallahu
alayhi was sallam) replied, "Yes. " She said,
‘The virgin is asked for her permission but
she gets shy. Prophet Muhammad (sallallahu
alayhi was sallam) said, "Her silence is her
permission. " (Bukhari and Muslim)
2 – The Wallee (Woman’s Guardian): Prophet
Muhammad (sallallahu alayhi was sallam) said,
"There is no nikaah except with a wallee.
" ( Ahmad , Abu Dawood, Tirmidhi)
3 – Two Witnesses: Prophet Muhammad
(sallallahu alayhi was sallam) said, "There is no
marriage except with a wallee and
trustworthy witnesses. " (Sahih- Bayhaqee)
Also, "There is no marriage except with a
wallee and two witnesses. " (Sahih Al-Jaami’)
4 – The Mahr (Dowry): Allah says (what
means): "And give to the women their dowry
with a good heart, but if they out of their
own good pleasure remit any part of it to you,
take it and enjoy it without fear of any harm.
" (Al-Nisa4:4) The mahr can be of any amount,
Prophet Muhammad (sallallahu alayhi was
sallam) said, "Look for one even if it was an
iron ring. " (Bukhari and Muslim)
The woman is not obliged to give the man
anything at the time of the wedding, as is
done in some cultures.
Acts to be Avoided
We should be careful to not act as the
disbelievers do regarding their mixing of men
and women, wearing tuxedos and white
wedding gowns, exchanging rings, kissing in
public, etc. Prophet Muhammad (sallallahu
alayhi was sallam) said, "Whoever resembles a
people is one of them. " (Abu Dawood) —
"Ihsan is that you worship Allah as if you are
seeing Him; and if not, He is certainly seeing
you." (Al-Bukhari)

Monday 9 July 2012

The Pious Husband:
Marriage to him is one half of the Deen,
To please ALLAH ( ﺳﺒﺤﺎﻧﻪ ﻭﺗﻌﺎﻟﻰ) is more than a
He wears his beard for his Lord, to please and
He turns to ALLAH ( ﺳﺒﺤﺎﻧﻪ ﻭﺗﻌﺎﻟﻰ) for Sal'ah at
least five times a day.
He prays in the night and makes sure to wake
And strives during daylight to provide and
protect you.
He lowers his gaze with firmness because he
does not desire,
To displeased ALLAH ( ﺳﺒﺤﺎﻧﻪ ﻭﺗﻌﺎﻟﻰ) and face
His just ire,
He asks advice from the Umm'ah, and his wife
Before making decisions that he might later
To his wife he is humble and always most
Sharing his burdens with strength and clear
He opens his mouth only to say what is best,
Weighing all options ? fore denying a request.
He takes care of himself and family too
Knowing that ALLAH ( ﺳﺒﺤﺎﻧﻪ ﻭﺗﻌﺎﻟﻰ) will see
them through.
He is a pleasure from ALLAH (ﺳﺒﺤﺎﻧﻪ ﻭﺗﻌﺎﻟﻰ)
Be thankful to ALLAH (ﺳﺒﺤﺎﻧﻪ ﻭﺗﻌﺎﻟﻰ) and His
blessings through love...
It’s very concerning when even very religious
men hold looks to be the most important
criteria when looking for a wife. It breaks my
heart to see many amazing, religious sisters
get overlooked for the younger, ‘prettier
model’. Folks, you’re not picking a car. You’re
choosing the mother of your children.

Saturday 7 July 2012

Marriage: A Religious Requirement
Marriage in Islam is recommended as a
religious requirement.
“Marry those among you who are single and
(marry) your slaves, male and female, that are
righteous” (Quran 24:32)
Prophet Muhammad (pbuh) declared:
“When the servant of Allah marries, he has
fulfilled half the (responsibilities laid on him
by the) faith; so let him be God conscious
with respect to the other half”. (Mishkat)
Marriage has also been commended as the
way of the prophets.
“We indeed sent messengers before you (O
Muhammad), and We assigned them wives
and children”. (Quran 13:38)
Marriage, in fact, is specifically considered the
tradition (sunnah) of Prophet Muhammad
(pbuh) when he declared:
“Marriage is my Sunnah, whoever disregards
my (sunnah) path is not from among us”. (ibn
Islam discourages celibacy and encourages
marriage, as Prophet Muhammad (pbuh)
“Whoever is able to marry, should marry”.
10 Tips on How to be a Successful Wife
1.) Use your ‘Fitnah’ (beauty and overtures of
allurement) to win the heart of your husband.
All women have the ornaments that Allah
blessed them with. Use the beauty Allah SWT
has bestowed you with to win the heart of
your husband. Dress up for your husband at
home. Wear the colours and clothes that he
likes to see you in and use makeup, perfume,
jewellery - in short, whatever it takes to be
attractive to him. From the early years, little
girls have adorned themselves with earrings
and bracelets and worn pretty dresses - as
described in the Qur’an. Continue this
tradition as a wife.
2.) Be sensitive to his moods, feelings and
needs. For example, don’t start complaining
or burden him with problems as soon as he
comes home; rather, welcome him and make
him feel good to be home. Imagine your
husband coming home to a clean house, an
exquisitely dressed wife, a dinner prepared
with care, children clean and sweet smelling,
a clean bedroom - what would this do to his
love for you? Now imagine what the opposite
does to him.
3.) Review the characteristics of the Hoor Al-
Ayn (women of jannah), and try to imitate
them. The Qur’an and Sunnah describe the
women in jannah with certain characteristics.
Such as the silk they wear, their large dark
eyes, their singing to their husband, etc. Try it,
wear silk for your husband, put Kohl in your
eyes to ‘enlarge’ them, and sing to your
4.) Do things together or at least allocate
some time of the day to give him your
undivided attention. Be sincere in
appreciating him, show interest in his day, his
activities, his thoughts and opinions. Give him
advice and comfort him when needed. Spend
your husband’s money carefully and try to
keep him informed of where his money is
being spent. Remember not to spend large
amounts of his money without his
permission. Show caring and concern for his
relatives as this is a sure way of securing a
place in his heart. Never object when he
spends on them, as this is a source of
abundance in provision and increase in life
5.) Joke and play games with your husband. A
mans secret: they seek women who are light-
hearted and have a sense of humour. As
Rasulullah SAW told Jabir to marry someone
who would make him laugh and he would
make her laugh. Be cheerful and humorous,
smile often, don’t feel shy to be affectionate
with your husband and make him feel really
happy to be around you. Express your love
frequently and creatively, rather than waiting
for him to do so first.
6.) Be grateful to your husband. Remind
yourself that it’s a tough world out there and
your husband works very hard to provide for
you. So whatever you do, don’t compare him
to other men, unless it is favourably. Thank
your husband constantly for the nice things
he does. Let him know that you appreciate his
efforts, not just through your words, but also
your actions. This is one of the most
important techniques, as the opposite is a
characteristic of the women of hellfire.
7.) Don’t fly into a rage when you have a
difference of opinion or he criticizes you. Stay
calm, control your tongue and don’t challenge
your husband’s authority at that time. Use
your wisdom, tactics and powers of
persuasion later to try to explain your point of
view. Believe the best, not the worst about
him. Be forgiving and accept apologies
graciously rather than holding grudges and
bringing up mistakes of the past. An
argument is a fire in the house. Extinguish it
with a simple ‘I’m sorry’ even if it is not your
fault. When you fight back, you are only
adding wood to the fire. Watch how sweetly
an argument will end when you just say
sincerely, “Look, I’m sorry. Let’s be friends.”
8.) Always seek to please your husband, for
he is your key to jannah. Rasulullah SAW
taught us that any women who dies in a state
where her husband is pleased with her, shall
enter jannah. So please him. Simple things like
serve him the foods he likes, remembering
that variety is the spice of life. Try to eat
together as this fosters companionship.
9.) Listen and Obey! Obeying your husband is
fard (obligatory). Remember that your
husband is the head of the family and as long
as obedience to him does not entail any sin, it
is your duty to obey him. Show respect for
your husband by not divulging your private
and confidential issues to others, or by
complaining about him to people or
discussing your marital problems with those
who cannot help you.
10.) Make dua to Allah SWT to make your
marriage and relationship successful. All good
things are from Allah. Never forget to ask
Allah SWT for the blessing of having a
successful marriage that begins in this dunya
and continues on - by the Mercy of Allah SWT
into jannah.
May Allah SWT give us the favour of changing
what we can change (like ourselves), patience
with what we cannot change (like our
spouse), and the wisdom to understand the
difference. Whatever truth is in it is from Allah
and His Messenger, and whatever mistakes
are from the shaytaan and myself; And Allah
and His Messenger are absolved from it.
Everything that happens comes about
through Allah's command of "Be." At every
second, every thing and scene that appears
before us is created through Allah's will.
Nothing is left to its own devices, for
everything is created for the destiny that Allah
has determined for it.
Believers who are aware of this do not lose
hope, even when facing the most negative
situations or the most distressing events, in
Allah's mercy or help. Those who are patient
in hardship, do not lose hope, and never
compromise Allah's laws have been given
glad tidings in both this world and the
The Qur'an portrays believers as being in a
constant spiritual state of hopefulness toward
Allah. Sincere believers will know and
appreciate our Lord as the Qur'an describes
Him and, as a result, will realize the mercy and
favors that He has bestowed upon them. They
know that He is the believers' friend and
helper, that He is infinitely merciful and
compassionate toward them, that He has sent
glad tidings to His righteous servants of a
great reward both in this world and the next,
and that He never breaks His word. They see
that He wills only what is best and good for
them, that He opens the door of mercy and
guidance for them, and that He provides
endless opportunities to gain rewards.
And so believers who know this are in a
constant state of hopefulness toward our
Lord, hoping for the best and the good from
Him in both this world and the next. Several
Qur'anic verses mention how Allah gives
believers a good reward and offers them glad
tidings of grace, favor, and mercy.
The believers' prayers and wishes are full of
hope. As one verse says, "they call upon their
Lord in fear and ardent hope" (Surat as-Sajda,
16). Since prayer itself is both a form of
worship and an indication of a hopeful
attitude toward Allah, believers pray in the
hope that our Lord will answer their prayers.
Verily, We have created all things with Qadar
[Divine Preordainments of all things before
their creation, as written in the Book of
Decrees Al-Lawh Al-Mahfûz].(Surat al-Qamar,

Friday 6 July 2012

'A'isha (ra), the wife of the Apostle (may
peace be upon him), said: When the
Messenger of ALLAH (may peace be upon him)
fell ill and his illness became serious, he asked
permission from his wives to stay in my
house during his illness. They gave him
permission to do so. He stepped out
(of'A'isha's apartment for prayer) supported
by two persons. (He was so much weak) that
his feet dragged on the ground and he was
being supported by 'Abbas b. 'Abd al-Muttalib
(ra) and another person. 'Ubaidullah said: I
informed 'Abdullah (b. 'Abbas) about that
which 'A'isha had said. 'Abdullah b. 'Abbas
said: Do you know the man whose name
'A'isha did not mention? He said: No. Ibn
'Abbas said: It was 'Ali (ra).
Muslim :: Book 4 : Hadith 834

Thursday 5 July 2012

Du’aa is like a weapon, and a weapon is only
as good as the person who is using it; it is
not merely the matter of how sharp it is. If the
weapon is perfect and free of faults, and the
arm of the person using it is strong, and
there is nothing stopping him, then he can lay
waste the enemy. But if any of these three
features is lacking, then the effect will be
lacking accordingly.
Ibn Qayyim Al Jawziyyah

Wednesday 4 July 2012

Umar bin Khattab (radiyAllaahu 'anhu) said:
"Beware of the people of opinion because
they are the enemies of sunan. The hadith
exhausted them in order for them to
memorize them, so they said according to
opinions, so they went astray and led others
[Ilam Muaqeen of Ibn Qayyim (1/55) and
authenticated by Ibn Hajar Asqalani in Fath al
Bari (13/289)]
A Checklist For Ramadan
1. Ask Allah to enable you to reach Ramadan
and to get the most out of it as the Salaf (early
generation of pious people) used to do.
2. Intend to fast every day with Iman and
pure intention seeking the reward from Allah
alone. The Prophet peace be upon him said,
“Whoever fasts in Ramadan with Iman and
seeking reward (from Allah) his past sins will
be forgiven”. (Bukhari)
3. Read the whole Qur’an at least once as the
Prophet peace be upon him did.
4. Have Suhoor as the Prophet peace be upon
him said, “Have Suhoor because it is blessed”.
5. Make Du’a during the fast because the
Prophet peace be upon him said that three
people’s supplication is not rejected one of
them is the fasting person. Ask for the good
of this life and the next for yourself, your
family and Muslims in general.
6. Make Dua before opening the fast. The
Prophet peace be upon him said, “The fasting
person has a supplication that is answered
when he opens his fast”.
7. Give Sadaqah and be good to people. The
Prophet peace be upon him was the most
generous of people and he was most
generous in Ramadan.
8. Avoid anything that diminishes the fast
such as, lying, backbiting, cheating, getting
angry. The Prophet peace be upon him said
“Whoever does not give up false statements
(i.e. telling lies), and evil deeds, and speaking
bad words to others, Allah is not in need of
his (fasting) leaving his food and
drink.” [Bukhari]
9. Do not eat too much after Iftar.
10. Ask for forgiveness since this is the month
Allah frees people from the fire.
11. Pray At-Tarawih with Khushoo. If you pray
in the Masjid complete the Salah with the
Imam. If you pray at home prolong the Salah
as long as you can. The Prophet peace be
upon him said, “Whoever prays during
Ramadan with Iman and seeking reward
(from Allah) his past sins will be forgiven”.
12. Feed the poor and invite others for Iftar.
The Prophet peace be upon him said,
“Whoever gives Iftar to someone fasting he
will have the same reward without
decreasing the reward of the person fasting”.
13. Try harder the last ten nights especially
the odd nights. The prophet would strive in
Ramadan more than he would in any other
month and more so in the last ten days.
14. Say this Dua in the nights that Laitul-Qadr
is likely to fall on: Allhumma innaka afuwun
tuhibbul-afwa fa’fu anni (O Allah you are
Forgiving and love forgiveness so forgive me).
15. Ask Allah to accept all your good actions
during this month.
O you who believe, fasting is decreed for you,
as it was decreed for those before you, that
you may attain salvation. (Quran, 2:183)
“Complain about your situation to Allah
and don’t complain about it to His
creation. Know for certain that all forms
of grief or heartache that pass by you
are because He loves you and is
therefore testing you, or He loves you
and is therefore purifying you from
your sins.”
~Shaykh Salih Al-Maghamsi
Serve your mother for PARADISE is under her
feet !!
Mu’aawiyah ibn Jaahimiah al-Sulami (may
Allaah be pleased with him) said: I came to
the Messenger of Allaah (peace and blessings
of Allaah be upon him) and said:
" O Messenger of Allaah,I want to go for jihad
with you, seeking thereby the Face of Allaah
and the Hereafter."
He said, “Woe to you! Is your mother still
I said, Yes.
He said, “Go back and honour her.”
Then I approached him from the other side
and said: O Messenger of Allaah, I want to go
for jihad with you, seeking thereby the Face
of Allaah and the Hereafter.
He said, “Woe to you! Is your mother still
I said, Yes. He said, “Go back and honour her.”
Then I approached him from in front and
said, O Messenger of Allaah, I want to go for
jihad with you, seeking thereby the Face of
Allaah and the Hereafter.
He said, “Woe to you! Is your mother still
alive?” I said, Yes. He said, “Go back and
honour her (lit. stay by her feet), for there is

Tuesday 3 July 2012

Whether you're married or single and
going through difficulties; remember
that - “If you want a happier life,
change the way you view the world
around you. Take off the negative
glasses and put on the positive ones.
The view is so much better! Be thankful
for what you have and feel blessed”
“And [remember] when your Lord
proclaimed, ‘If you are grateful, I will
surely increase you [in favour]..." (14:7)
Spiritual healing is the utilization of certain
formula by means of the agency…of the
purified breath and the soul of the ‘healer’
that causes the effects. The ‘healer’ may have
set in seclusion (not necessarily in the hills or
forests) for umpteen years…reciting a formula
containing Divine Attributes of GOD…fifty
million times or more…which enabled him to
heal another person!
The ‘healer’ may be seen mumbling
something and blowing his breath towards
the patient or into elements such as water…to
heal the patient! Yet, one cannot witness the
decades of preparation required to perform
such an act which is beyond layman’s
He does this ‘healing’ only after he is inspired
to do so…not at his own whims and fancies –
for it is never his intention to recite and to
become a healer…the purpose is to attain a
spiritual state he desired. The Power to Heal is
an add-on Blessing. These inspired
instructions are Divine callings which…only
people of spiritual discernment can
comprehend…the True Healers!!!
Golden Words
1)If you are right, then there is no need to get
angry. And if you are wrong then you don’t
have any right to get angry.
2) Patience with family is love. Patience with
others is respect.Patience with self is
3) Never think hard about past, It brings
tears. Don’t think more about future, It brings
fears. Live this moment with a smile,
It brings cheers…
Put your trust on Allah & give your Bset....... In
Sha Allah —
It was narrated from Jabir (Allah be pleased
with him), he said:
“Allah’s Messenger (Allah bless him and grant
him peace) said,
“The woman advances in the shape of Satan
and retires in the shape of Satan.”

Monday 2 July 2012

Marriage doesn't cost huge amounts of
money! You don't need to spend huge sums
of money just for one day! If you truly want to
get married to a special someone, then don't
delay because of money, a small descent
wedding wouldn't it be ok if u want to marry
for the sake of Allah?
Obedience is light and disobedience is
darkness. The greater the darkness is, the
more confused one becomes. Eventually due
to the darkness one falls into innovations and
misguidance without realising..
Don,t Break The Trust of Your Parents On The
Name of Love.
Tell them if you like some one.
if they say No then it,s better for You.
because they Have More exprience than Us.
you can try to Convince them But not force
"When Allaah wants good for a slave: He
makes his heart an admonisher for him, it
commands him (to good) and prohibits him
(from doing bad)."
[Imaam Ahmad Ibn-Hanbal]
Are our hearts admonishers for us? If not we
need to beg Allaah to grant us good!
“Whoever asks Allah for Paradise three times:
[Allahumma inni as'aluk al-Jannah],
then Paradise will say: “O Allah! Enter him into
And whoever seeks protection with Allah
from the Fire three times [Allahumma najjini
min an-Nar],
the Fire will say: “O Allah! Protect him from
the Fire!“”
[Reported by at-Tirmidhi, and it is authentic]

Sunday 1 July 2012

In Jannah, people will have different grades
according to the strength of their Belief and
love of Allah. Some people will be on a
position near that of the Prophets. May Allah
grant us such lofty places. Ameen
Abu Sa`id Al-Khudri (May Allah be pleased with
him) said: The Prophet (PBUH) said, "The
dwellers of Jannah will look at those in the
upper abodes above them as you look at a
shining star which remains in the eastern or
western horizon; such will be the difference
in superiority which some of them have over
others.'' The Messenger of Allah (PBUH) was
asked: "Will those be the dwellings of the
Prophets which no one else will be able to
reach?'' He (PBUH) replied, "Yes, but by Him in
Whose Hand my soul is! men who believed in
Allah and acknowledged the truthfulness of
the Messengers will reach them.''[Al-Bukhari
and Muslim].
A religious muslim man once proposed to a
muslim woman for marriage. The woman
was taken aback.
Muslimah: You want to marry me? If I do not
know how to sew, or cook, or iron.. How am I
going to marry you?
Man: Do you know how to pray? Do you
worship Allah Subhana wa ta'ala without
associating with anyone?
Do you fast.
Do you discharge your Zakah?
Are you afraid of Allah?.
Muslimah: Yes, I pray every day, I love Allah
and no one else, I give charity whenever I can,
I fast and the one I fear is Allah
Man: *smiling* That's enough for me, I want
you to be the half of my Deen, not my maid ♥
Oh ALLAH grant us Pious spouses that will
help us earn your Happiness. That will help
guide us to Jannah. Aameen
1. Say: “He is God, the One and Only.
2. God is the Self-Sufficient.
3. He begets not, nor is He begotten;
4. And there is none like unto Him.”
(Sura 112. Al-Ikhlas)
[share this beautiful name]
And why should we not rely upon Allah while
He has guided us to our [good] ways. And we
will surely be patient against whatever harm
you should cause us. And upon Allah let those
who would rely [indeed] rely."(14:12)
●════ Song’s Lovers Allah will pour molten
lead into his ears ════●
Whoever sits and listens to a singing girl, Allah
will pour molten lead into his ears on the Day
of Qiyaamah.
Hadhrat Abu Burzah (radhiyallahu anhu)
narrated: "We were with the Nabi (sallallahu
alayhi wasallam) on a journey when he heard
two men singing. The one was responding to
the other (by means of singing poetry). Nabi
(sallallahu alayhi wasallam) then said: 'Look
who these two are.' They (the Sahaabah) said:
'They are so and so (naming them).'
Rasulullah (sallallahu alayhi wasallam) then
cursed, saying: 'O Allah! Cast them upside
down in Jahannum."
Things worth crying for:
1) Letting a day (or days) pass by without
reading the book of Allah.
2) Lack of presence in prayer.
3) Not yearning for Paradise.
4) Fear of hell-fire, and punishment of the
grave & Sins.
5) Being distant from Allah and not doing
anything to get closer to Him.
6) Not knowing whether Allah has accepted
one’s deeds, or whether it has been
corrupted by ostentation.
7) Not worshiping Allah as He deserves to be
worshiped and
8) Thinking about the meeting with
Three things you should never forget about:
1.If you are in salah protect your heart.
2.If you are in a gathering of people,protect
your tongue.
3.If you are in the house of others,protect
your gaze.
Two things you should never narrate:
1.Peoples bad behavior towards you.
2.Your good behavior towards people .
Two things you should never forget:
2.The hereafter.
God knows whats in our hearts
True sincerity is a secret between a person
and Allah. It is not known by the angel and so
cannot be written, nor is it known by satan so
it cannot be corrupted and neither do desires
know it so they cannot change it.