Saturday 30 June 2012

The Holy Quran is the last of the revelations
and Nabi Muhammad (saw) is the last
Prophet. The revelation has stopped… but
inspirations continue…till Yamul Qiyamah!
Those who recite the Quran without it going
any farther than their throats...that is the
Quran that descends upon tongues and not
upon hearts! Allah (swt) says: ‘The faithful
spirit descended with it (the Quran) upon
your heart (26:193). Such a man is he in
whom this descent causes an immeasurable
sweetness that surpasses all joy!
Allah (swt) answers the request addressed to
HIM – ‘Oh Lord, increase my
knowledge’ (20:114). The servant whose
inner light (al-basra) is enlightened – ‘he who
is guided by a light from HIS Lord’ (39:22) –
obtains with each recitation of a verse a new
understanding, distinct from that which he
had during the preceding recitation and that
he will obtain during the succeeding
He whose understanding is identical in two
successive recitations is losing. He whose
understanding is new in each recitation is
winning. As for those who recite without
understanding anything…may GOD have
mercy on him!
Each time you search an ayat and if it gives
you the same meaning, then you are ‘brain-
dead’. The Al-Quran continues to give new
profound interpretations, thro’ inspirations,
to the seekers, each time he refers to the
same ayat. That’s the miracle of the

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